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abs(Expression<N>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that returns the absolute value of its argument.
AbstractQuery<T> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.criteria
The AbstractQuery interface defines functionality that is common to both top-level queries and subqueries.
accept(C) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.ConnectionConsumer
Execute the action using the given connection.
Access - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Used to specify an access type to be applied to an entity class, mapped superclass, or embeddable class, or to a specific attribute of such a class.
AccessType - Enum Class in jakarta.persistence
Used with the Access annotation to specify an access type to be applied to an entity class, mapped superclass, or embeddable class, or to a specific attribute of such a class.
addAttributeNode(Attribute<? super T, Y>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Graph
Get an existing attribute node for the given attribute, or add a new attribute node if there is no existing node.
addAttributeNode(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Graph
Get an existing attribute node for the attribute with the given name, or add a new attribute node if there is no existing node.
addAttributeNodes(Attribute<? super T, ?>...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Graph
Add one or more attribute nodes to the entity graph.
addAttributeNodes(String...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Graph
Add one or more attribute nodes to the entity graph.
addElementSubgraph(PluralAttribute<? super T, ?, E>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Graph
Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a collection element that is a managed type.
addElementSubgraph(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Graph
Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a collection element that is a managed type.
addElementSubgraph(String, Class<X>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Graph
Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a collection element that is a managed type.
addKeySubgraph(Attribute<? super T, X>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Graph
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
addKeySubgraph(Attribute<? super T, X>, Class<? extends X>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Graph
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
addKeySubgraph(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Graph
Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a map key that is a managed type.
addKeySubgraph(String, Class<X>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Graph
Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a map key that is a managed type with inheritance.
addMapKeySubgraph(MapAttribute<? super T, K, ?>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Graph
Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a map key that is a managed type.
addNamedEntityGraph(String, EntityGraph<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManagerFactory
Add a named copy of the given EntityGraph to this EntityManagerFactory.
addNamedQuery(String, Query) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManagerFactory
Define the query, typed query, or stored procedure query as a named query such that future query objects can be created from it using the EntityManager.createNamedQuery(java.lang.String) or EntityManager.createNamedStoredProcedureQuery(java.lang.String) methods.
addSubclassSubgraph(Class<? extends T>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityGraph
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
addSubgraph(Attribute<? super T, X>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Graph
Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a managed type.
addSubgraph(Attribute<? super T, X>, Class<? extends X>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Graph
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
addSubgraph(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Graph
Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a managed type.
addSubgraph(String, Class<X>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Graph
Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a managed type with inheritance.
addTransformer(ClassTransformer) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitInfo
Add a transformer supplied by the provider that is called for every new class definition or class redefinition that gets loaded by the loader returned by the PersistenceUnitInfo.getClassLoader() method.
addTreatedElementSubgraph(PluralAttribute<? super T, ?, ? super E>, Class<E>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Graph
Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a collection element that is a managed type.
addTreatedMapKeySubgraph(MapAttribute<? super T, ? super K, ?>, Class<K>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Graph
Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a map key that is a managed type with inheritance.
addTreatedSubgraph(Attribute<? super T, ? super Y>, Class<Y>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Graph
Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a managed type with inheritance.
addTreatedSubgraph(Class<S>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityGraph
Add additional attributes to this entity graph that correspond to attributes of subclasses of the entity type of this EntityGraph.
alias(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Selection
Assigns an alias to the selection item.
all(Subquery<Y>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an all expression over the subquery results.
ALL - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.CascadeType
Cascade all operations
ALL - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.SharedCacheMode
All entities and entity-related state and data are cached.
allocationSize() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.SequenceGenerator
(Optional) The amount to increment by when allocating sequence numbers from the sequence.
allocationSize() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.TableGenerator
(Optional) The amount to increment by when allocating id numbers from the generator.
and(Expression<Boolean>, Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a conjunction of the given boolean expressions.
and(Predicate...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a conjunction of the given restriction predicates.
and(List<Predicate>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a conjunction of the given restriction predicates.
AND - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.criteria.Predicate.BooleanOperator
any(Subquery<Y>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an any expression over the subquery results.
apply(C) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.ConnectionFunction
Compute a result using the given connection.
array(Selection<?>...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an array-valued selection item.
array(List<Selection<?>>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an array-valued selection item.
as(Class<X>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Expression
Perform a typecast upon the expression, returning a new expression object.
asc(Expression<?>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an ordering by the ascending value of the expression.
asc(Expression<?>, Nulls) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an ordering by the ascending value of the expression.
AssociationOverride - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Used to override a mapping for an entity relationship.
AssociationOverrides - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Used to override mappings of multiple relationship properties or fields.
Attribute<X,Y> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.metamodel
Represents an attribute of a Java type.
Attribute.PersistentAttributeType - Enum Class in jakarta.persistence.metamodel
AttributeConverter<X,Y> - Interface in jakarta.persistence
Interface implemented by custom attribute converters.
attributeName() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Convert
A name or period-separated path identifying the converted attribute relative to the annotated program element.
AttributeNode<T> - Interface in jakarta.persistence
Represents an attribute node of an entity graph.
attributeNodes() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.NamedEntityGraph
(Optional) A list of attributes of the entity that are included in this graph.
attributeNodes() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.NamedSubgraph
(Required) The list of the attributes of the class that must be included.
AttributeOverride - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Used to override the mapping of a Basic (whether explicit or default) property or field or Id property or field.
AttributeOverrides - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Used to override mappings of multiple properties or fields.
AUTO - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.FlushModeType
(Default) Flushing to occur at query execution.
AUTO - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.GenerationType
Indicates that the persistence provider should pick an appropriate strategy for the particular database.
AUTO - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.ValidationMode
If a Bean Validation provider is present in the environment, the persistence provider must perform the automatic validation of entities.
autoApply() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Converter
Specifies whether the annotated converter should be automatically applied to attributes of the target type.
avg(Expression<N>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an aggregate expression applying the avg operation.


Basic - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
The simplest type of mapping of a persistent field or property to a single database column.
BASIC - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Attribute.PersistentAttributeType
Basic attribute
BASIC - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Type.PersistenceType
Basic type
BasicType<X> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.metamodel
An instance of BasicType represents a basic type (possibly an enumerated, LOB, or temporal type).
begin() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityTransaction
Start a resource transaction.
between(Expression<? extends Y>, Expression<? extends Y>, Expression<? extends Y>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is between the second and third arguments in value.
between(Expression<? extends Y>, Y, Y) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is between the second and third arguments in value.
Bindable<T> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.metamodel
An instances of the type Bindable represents an object or attribute type that can be bound into a Path.
Bindable.BindableType - Enum Class in jakarta.persistence.metamodel
BOTH - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder.Trimspec
Trim from both ends.
BYPASS - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.CacheRetrieveMode
Bypass the cache: get data directly from the database.
BYPASS - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.CacheStoreMode
Don't insert into cache.


Cache - Interface in jakarta.persistence
Interface used to interact with the second-level cache.
CACHE_MODE - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
String specifying a SharedCacheMode.
Cacheable - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies whether an entity should be cached, if caching is enabled, and when the value of the persistence.xml caching element is SharedCacheMode.ENABLE_SELECTIVE or SharedCacheMode.DISABLE_SELECTIVE.
CacheRetrieveMode - Enum Class in jakarta.persistence
Specifies how the EntityManager interacts with the second-level cache when data is read from the database via the EntityManager.find(java.lang.Class<T>, java.lang.Object) methods and execution of queries.
CacheStoreMode - Enum Class in jakarta.persistence
Specifies how the EntityManager interacts with the second-level cache when data is read from the database and when data is written to the database.
CALLBACK - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.ValidationMode
The persistence provider must perform the lifecycle event validation.
callInTransaction(Function<EntityManager, R>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManagerFactory
Create a new application-managed EntityManager with an active transaction, and call the given function, passing the EntityManager to the function.
callWithConnection(ConnectionFunction<C, T>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Call the given function and return its result using the database connection underlying this EntityManager.
cascade() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.ManyToMany
(Optional) The operations that must be cascaded to the target of the association.
cascade() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.ManyToOne
(Optional) The operations that must be cascaded to the target of the association.
cascade() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.OneToMany
(Optional) The operations that must be cascaded to the target of the association.
cascade() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.OneToOne
(Optional) The operations that must be cascaded to the target of the association.
CascadeType - Enum Class in jakarta.persistence
Defines the set of cascadable operations that are propagated to the associated entity.
cast(Class<X>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Expression
Cast this expression to the specified type, returning a new expression object.
catalog() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.CollectionTable
(Optional) The catalog of the table.
catalog() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.JoinTable
(Optional) The catalog of the table.
catalog() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.SecondaryTable
(Optional) The catalog of the table.
catalog() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.SequenceGenerator
(Optional) The catalog of the sequence generator.
catalog() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Table
(Optional) The catalog of the table.
catalog() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.TableGenerator
(Optional) The catalog of the table.
ceiling(Expression<N>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that returns the ceiling of its argument, that is, the smallest integer greater than or equal to its argument.
CHAR - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.DiscriminatorType
Single character as the discriminator type.
check() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Column
(Optional) Check constraints to be applied to the column.
check() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.JoinColumn
(Optional) Check constraints to be applied to the column.
check() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.JoinTable
(Optional) Check constraints to be applied to the table.
check() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.SecondaryTable
(Optional) Check constraints to be applied to the table.
check() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Table
(Optional) Check constraints to be applied to the table.
CheckConstraint - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Used to specify a SQL check constraint on a column or table when schema generation is in effect.
classes() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.NamedNativeQuery
Specifies the result set mapping to constructors.
classes() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.SqlResultSetMapping
Specifies the result set mapping to constructors.
ClassTransformer - Interface in jakarta.persistence.spi
A persistence provider supplies an instance of this interface to the PersistenceUnitInfo.addTransformer(jakarta.persistence.spi.ClassTransformer) method.
clear() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Clear the persistence context, causing all managed entities to become detached.
clearCachedProviders() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceProviderResolver
Clear cache of providers.
close() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Close an application-managed entity manager.
close() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManagerFactory
Close the factory, releasing any resources that it holds.
coalesce() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a coalesce expression.
coalesce(Expression<? extends Y>, Expression<? extends Y>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that returns null if all its arguments evaluate to null, and the value of the first non-null argument otherwise.
coalesce(Expression<? extends Y>, Y) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that returns null if all its arguments evaluate to null, and the value of the first non-null argument otherwise.
COLLECTION - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.metamodel.PluralAttribute.CollectionType
Collection-valued attribute
CollectionAttribute<X,E> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.metamodel
Instances of the type CollectionAttribute represent persistent Collection-valued attributes.
CollectionJoin<Z,E> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.criteria
The CollectionJoin interface is the type of the result of joining to a collection over an association or element collection that has been specified as a Collection.
CollectionTable - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies the table that is used for the mapping of collections of basic or embeddable types.
column() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.AttributeOverride
(Required) The column that is being mapped to the persistent attribute.
column() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.FieldResult
Name of the column in the SELECT clause - i.e., column aliases, if applicable.
Column - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies the column mapped by the annotated persistent property or field.
columnDefinition() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Column
(Optional) The SQL fragment that is used when generating the DDL for the column.
columnDefinition() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.DiscriminatorColumn
(Optional) The SQL fragment that is used when generating the DDL for the discriminator column.
columnDefinition() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.JoinColumn
(Optional) The SQL fragment that is used when generating the DDL for the column.
columnDefinition() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.MapKeyColumn
(Optional) The SQL fragment that is used when generating the DDL for the column.
columnDefinition() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.MapKeyJoinColumn
(Optional) The SQL fragment that is used when generating the DDL for the column.
columnDefinition() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.OrderColumn
(Optional) The SQL fragment that is used when generating the DDL for the column.
columnDefinition() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.PrimaryKeyJoinColumn
(Optional) The SQL fragment that is used when generating the DDL for the column.
columnList() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Index
(Required) The columns included in the index, in order, following the BNF rule column_list given above.
columnNames() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.UniqueConstraint
(Required) The names of the column which make up the constraint.
ColumnResult - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Used in conjunction with the SqlResultSetMapping, NamedNativeQuery, or ConstructorResult annotation to map a column of the SELECT list of a SQL query.
columns() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.ConstructorResult
(Required) The mapping of columns in the SELECT list to the arguments of the intended constructor, in order.
columns() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.NamedNativeQuery
Specifies the result set mapping to scalar values.
columns() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.SqlResultSetMapping
Specifies the result set mapping to scalar values.
comment() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Column
(Optional) A comment to be applied to the column.
comment() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.JoinColumn
(Optional) A comment to be applied to the column.
comment() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.JoinTable
(Optional) A comment to be applied to the table.
comment() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.SecondaryTable
(Optional) A comment to be applied to the table.
comment() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Table
(Optional) A comment to be applied to the table.
commit() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityTransaction
Commit the current resource transaction, writing any unflushed changes to the database.
COMMIT - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.FlushModeType
Flushing to occur at transaction commit.
CommonAbstractCriteria - Interface in jakarta.persistence.criteria
The CommonAbstractCriteria interface defines functionality that is common to both top-level criteria queries and subqueries as well as to update and delete criteria operations.
CompoundSelection<X> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.criteria
The CompoundSelection interface defines a compound selection item (a tuple, array, or result of a constructor).
concat(Expression<String>, Expression<String>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression for string concatenation.
concat(Expression<String>, String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression for string concatenation.
concat(String, Expression<String>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression for string concatenation.
concat(List<Expression<String>>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression for string concatenation.
conjunction() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a conjunction (with zero conjuncts).
ConnectionConsumer<C> - Interface in jakarta.persistence
An executable action which makes use of a native database connection.
ConnectionFunction<C,T> - Interface in jakarta.persistence
A function which makes use of a native database connection to compute a result.
constraint() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.CheckConstraint
(Required) The native SQL expression to be checked.
CONSTRAINT - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.ConstraintMode
Apply the constraint.
ConstraintMode - Enum Class in jakarta.persistence
Used to control the application of a constraint.
construct(Class<Y>, Selection<?>...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a selection item corresponding to a constructor.
ConstructorResult - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Used in conjunction with the SqlResultSetMapping or NamedNativeQuery annotation to map the SELECT clause of a SQL query to a constructor.
contains(Class<?>, Object) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Cache
Whether the cache contains data for the given entity.
contains(Object) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Determine if the given object is a managed entity instance belonging to the current persistence context.
Convert - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies how the values of a field or property are converted to a basic type, enabling a converter defined autoApply=false, overriding the use of a converter defined autoApply=true, or overriding the use of a converter specified by a field or property of an embedded type or inherited mapped superclass.
converter() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Convert
Specifies the converter to be applied.
Converter - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Declares that the annotated class is a converter and specifies whether the converter is automatically applied.
Converts - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Used to group Convert annotations.
convertToDatabaseColumn(X) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.AttributeConverter
Converts the value stored in the entity attribute into the data representation to be stored in the database.
convertToEntityAttribute(Y) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.AttributeConverter
Converts the data stored in the database column into the value to be stored in the entity attribute.
correlate(CollectionJoin<X, Y>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Subquery
Create a subquery collection join object correlated to a collection join object of the enclosing query.
correlate(Join<X, Y>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Subquery
Create a subquery join object correlated to a join object of the enclosing query.
correlate(ListJoin<X, Y>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Subquery
Create a subquery list join object correlated to a list join object of the enclosing query.
correlate(MapJoin<X, K, V>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Subquery
Create a subquery map join object correlated to a map join object of the enclosing query.
correlate(Root<Y>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Subquery
Create a subquery root correlated to a root of the enclosing query.
correlate(SetJoin<X, Y>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Subquery
Create a subquery set join object correlated to a set join object of the enclosing query.
count(Expression<?>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an aggregate expression applying the count operation.
countDistinct(Expression<?>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an aggregate expression applying the count distinct operation.
create(boolean) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.SchemaManager
Create database objects mapped by entities belonging to the persistence unit.
createContainerEntityManagerFactory(PersistenceUnitInfo, Map<?, ?>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceProvider
Called by the container when an EntityManagerFactory is to be created.
createCriteriaDelete(Class<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a CriteriaDelete query object to perform a bulk delete operation.
createCriteriaUpdate(Class<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a CriteriaUpdate query object to perform a bulk update operation.
createEntityGraph(Class<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Create a new mutable EntityGraph, allowing dynamic definition of an entity graph.
createEntityGraph(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Obtain a mutable copy of a named EntityGraph, or return null if there is no entity graph with the given name.
createEntityManager() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManagerFactory
Create a new application-managed EntityManager.
createEntityManager(SynchronizationType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManagerFactory
Create a new JTA application-managed EntityManager with the specified synchronization type.
createEntityManager(SynchronizationType, Map<?, ?>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManagerFactory
Create a new JTA application-managed EntityManager with the specified synchronization type and map of properties.
createEntityManager(Map<?, ?>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManagerFactory
Create a new application-managed EntityManager with the given Map specifying property settings.
createEntityManagerFactory() - Method in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
Create a new EntityManagerFactory based on this configuration.
createEntityManagerFactory(PersistenceConfiguration) - Static method in class jakarta.persistence.Persistence
Create and return an EntityManagerFactory for the named persistence unit, using the given properties.
createEntityManagerFactory(PersistenceConfiguration) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceProvider
Called by Persistence class when an EntityManagerFactory is to be created.
createEntityManagerFactory(String) - Static method in class jakarta.persistence.Persistence
Create and return an EntityManagerFactory for the named persistence unit.
createEntityManagerFactory(String, Map<?, ?>) - Static method in class jakarta.persistence.Persistence
Create and return an EntityManagerFactory for the named persistence unit, using the given properties.
createEntityManagerFactory(String, Map<?, ?>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceProvider
Called by Persistence class when an EntityManagerFactory is to be created.
createNamedQuery(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Create an instance of Query for executing a named query written in the Jakarta Persistence query language or in native SQL.
createNamedQuery(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Create an instance of TypedQuery for executing a Jakarta Persistence query language named query.
createNamedStoredProcedureQuery(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Create an instance of StoredProcedureQuery for executing a stored procedure in the database.
createNativeQuery(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Create an instance of Query for executing a native SQL statement, e.g., for update or delete.
createNativeQuery(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Create an instance of Query for executing a native SQL query.
createNativeQuery(String, String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Create an instance of Query for executing a native SQL query.
createQuery() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a CriteriaQuery object.
createQuery(CriteriaDelete<?>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Create an instance of Query for executing a criteria delete query.
createQuery(CriteriaQuery<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Create an instance of TypedQuery for executing a criteria query.
createQuery(CriteriaSelect<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Create an instance of TypedQuery for executing a criteria query, which may be a union or intersection of top-level queries.
createQuery(CriteriaUpdate<?>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Create an instance of Query for executing a criteria update query.
createQuery(TypedQueryReference<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Create an instance of TypedQuery for executing a named query written in the Jakarta Persistence query language or in native SQL.
createQuery(Class<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a CriteriaQuery object with the given result type.
createQuery(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Create an instance of Query for executing a Jakarta Persistence query language statement.
createQuery(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Create an instance of TypedQuery for executing a Jakarta Persistence query language statement.
createStoredProcedureQuery(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Create an instance of StoredProcedureQuery for executing a stored procedure in the database.
createStoredProcedureQuery(String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Create an instance of StoredProcedureQuery for executing a stored procedure in the database.
createStoredProcedureQuery(String, String...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Create an instance of StoredProcedureQuery for executing a stored procedure in the database.
createTupleQuery() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a CriteriaQuery object that returns a tuple of objects as its result.
CriteriaBuilder - Interface in jakarta.persistence.criteria
Used to construct criteria queries, compound selections, expressions, predicates, orderings.
CriteriaBuilder.Case<R> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.criteria
Interface used to build general case expressions.
CriteriaBuilder.Coalesce<T> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.criteria
Interface used to build coalesce expressions.
CriteriaBuilder.In<T> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.criteria
Interface used to build in predicates.
CriteriaBuilder.SimpleCase<C,R> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.criteria
Interface used to build simple case expressions.
CriteriaBuilder.Trimspec - Enum Class in jakarta.persistence.criteria
Used to specify how strings are trimmed.
CriteriaDelete<T> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.criteria
The CriteriaDelete interface defines functionality for performing bulk delete operations using the Criteria API
CriteriaQuery<T> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.criteria
The CriteriaQuery interface defines functionality that is specific to top-level queries.
CriteriaSelect<T> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.criteria
Abstracts over top-level queries and unions and intersections of top-level queries.
CriteriaUpdate<T> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.criteria
The CriteriaUpdate interface defines functionality for performing bulk update operations using the Criteria API.
currentDate() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create expression to return current date.
currentTime() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create expression to return current time.
currentTimestamp() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create expression to return current timestamp.


DATE - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.TemporalType
Map as java.sql.Date
DATE - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.criteria.LocalDateTimeField
The date part of a datetime.
DAY - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.criteria.LocalDateField
The calendar day of the month, numbered from 1.
DAY - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.criteria.LocalDateTimeField
The calendar day of the month, numbered from 1.
desc(Expression<?>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an ordering by the descending value of the expression.
desc(Expression<?>, Nulls) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an ordering by the descending value of the expression.
detach(Object) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Evict the given managed or removed entity from the persistence context, causing the entity to become immediately detached.
DETACH - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.CascadeType
Cascade the detach operation
diff(Expression<? extends N>, Expression<? extends N>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that returns the difference between its arguments.
diff(Expression<? extends N>, N) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that returns the difference between its arguments.
diff(N, Expression<? extends N>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that returns the difference between its arguments.
DISABLE_SELECTIVE - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.SharedCacheMode
Caching is enabled for all entities except those for which Cacheable(false) is specified.
disableConversion() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Convert
Disables an auto-apply or inherited converter.
discriminatorColumn() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.EntityResult
Specifies the column name (or alias) of the column in the SELECT list that is used to determine the type of the entity instance.
DiscriminatorColumn - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies the discriminator column for the SINGLE_TABLE and JOINED inheritance mapping strategies.
discriminatorType() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.DiscriminatorColumn
(Optional) The type of object/column to use as a class discriminator.
DiscriminatorType - Enum Class in jakarta.persistence
Defines supported types of the discriminator column.
DiscriminatorValue - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies the value of the discriminator column for the annotated entity type.
disjunction() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a disjunction (with zero disjuncts).
distinct(boolean) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.AbstractQuery
Specify whether duplicate query results are eliminated.
distinct(boolean) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery
Specify whether duplicate query results are eliminated.
distinct(boolean) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Subquery
Specify whether duplicate query results are eliminated.
drop(boolean) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.SchemaManager
Drop database objects mapped by entities belonging to the persistence unit, undoing the effects of the previous creation.


EAGER - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.FetchType
Data must be eagerly fetched.
ELEMENT_COLLECTION - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Attribute.PersistentAttributeType
Element collection
ElementCollection - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Declares a collection of instances of a basic type or embeddable class.
embeddable(Class<X>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Metamodel
Return the metamodel embeddable type representing the embeddable class.
Embeddable - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Declares a type whose instances are stored as an intrinsic part of an owning entity, sharing the identity of the entity.
EMBEDDABLE - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Type.PersistenceType
Embeddable class
EmbeddableType<X> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.metamodel
An instance of EmbeddableType represents an embeddable type.
Embedded - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Declares a persistent field or property of an entity whose value is an instance of an embeddable class.
EMBEDDED - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Attribute.PersistentAttributeType
Embeddable class attribute
EmbeddedId - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies that the annotated persistent field or property of an entity class or mapped superclass is the composite primary key of the entity.
ENABLE_SELECTIVE - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.SharedCacheMode
Caching is enabled for all entities for which Cacheable(true) is specified.
entities() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.NamedNativeQuery
Specifies the result set mapping to entities.
entities() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.SqlResultSetMapping
Specifies the result set mapping to entities.
entity(Class<X>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Metamodel
Return the metamodel entity type representing the entity.
entity(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Metamodel
Return the metamodel entity type representing the entity.
Entity - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Declares that the annotated class is an entity.
ENTITY - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Type.PersistenceType
Entity class
ENTITY_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Bindable.BindableType
Entity type.
entityClass() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.EntityResult
The class of the result.
EntityExistsException - Exception Class in jakarta.persistence
Thrown by the persistence provider when EntityManager.persist(Object) is called and the entity already exists.
EntityExistsException() - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.EntityExistsException
Constructs a new EntityExistsException exception with null as its detail message.
EntityExistsException(String) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.EntityExistsException
Constructs a new EntityExistsException exception with the specified detail message.
EntityExistsException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.EntityExistsException
Constructs a new EntityExistsException exception with the specified detail message and cause.
EntityExistsException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.EntityExistsException
Constructs a new EntityExistsException exception with the specified cause.
EntityGraph<T> - Interface in jakarta.persistence
This type represents the root of an entity graph that will be used as a template to define the attribute nodes and boundaries of a graph of entities and entity relationships.
EntityListeners - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies the callback listener classes to be used for an entity or mapped superclass.
EntityManager - Interface in jakarta.persistence
Interface used to interact with the persistence context.
EntityManagerFactory - Interface in jakarta.persistence
Interface used to interact with the persistence unit, and to create new instances of EntityManager.
EntityNotFoundException - Exception Class in jakarta.persistence
Thrown by the persistence provider when an entity reference obtained by EntityManager.getReference is accessed but the entity does not exist.
EntityNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.EntityNotFoundException
Constructs a new EntityNotFoundException exception with null as its detail message.
EntityNotFoundException(Exception) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.EntityNotFoundException
Constructs a new EntityNotFoundException exception with null as its detail message.
EntityNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.EntityNotFoundException
Constructs a new EntityNotFoundException exception with the specified detail message.
EntityNotFoundException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.EntityNotFoundException
Constructs a new EntityNotFoundException exception with the specified detail message.
EntityResult - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Used in conjunction with the SqlResultSetMapping or NamedNativeQuery annotation to map the SELECT clause of a SQL query to an entity result.
EntityTransaction - Interface in jakarta.persistence
Interface used to control transactions on resource-local entity managers.
EntityType<X> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.metamodel
An instance of EntityType represents an entity type.
entry() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.MapJoin
Create an expression that corresponds to the map entry.
Enumerated - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies that a persistent property or field should be persisted as an enumerated type.
EnumeratedValue - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies that an annotated field of a Java enum type is the source of database column values for an enumerated mapping.
EnumType - Enum Class in jakarta.persistence
Enumerates available options for mapping enumerated types.
equal(Expression<?>, Expression<?>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate for testing the arguments for equality.
equal(Expression<?>, Object) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate for testing the arguments for equality.
equalTo(Expression<?>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Expression
Create a predicate to test whether the expression is equal to the argument.
equalTo(Object) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Expression
Create a predicate to test whether the expression is equal to the argument.
evict(Class<?>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Cache
Remove the data for entities of the specified class (and its subclasses) from the cache.
evict(Class<?>, Object) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Cache
Remove the data for the given entity from the cache.
evictAll() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Cache
Clear the cache.
except(CriteriaSelect<T>, CriteriaSelect<?>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a query by (setwise) subtraction of the second query from the first query.
exceptAll(CriteriaSelect<T>, CriteriaSelect<?>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a query by (setwise) subtraction of the second query from the first query, without elimination of duplicate results.
ExcludeDefaultListeners - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies that the invocation of default listeners is to be excluded for the entity class (or mapped superclass) and its subclasses.
ExcludeSuperclassListeners - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies that the invocation of superclass listeners is to be excluded for the entity class (or mapped superclass) and its subclasses.
excludeUnlistedClasses() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitInfo
Returns whether classes in the root of the persistence unit that have not been explicitly listed are to be included in the set of managed classes.
execute() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.StoredProcedureQuery
Return true if the first result corresponds to a result set, and false if it is an update count or if there are no results other than through INOUT and OUT parameters, if any.
executeUpdate() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
Execute an update or delete statement.
executeUpdate() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.StoredProcedureQuery
Return the update count of -1 if there is no pending result or if the first result is not an update count.
exists(Subquery<?>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate testing the existence of a subquery result.
exp(Expression<? extends Number>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that returns the exponential of its argument, that is, Euler's number e raised to the power of its argument.
Expression<T> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.criteria
Type for query expressions.
EXTENDED - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceContextType
Extended persistence context
EXTENDED - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.PessimisticLockScope
In addition to the locking behavior specified for PessimisticLockScope.NORMAL, element collections and relationships owned by the entity that are contained in join tables are locked if the property jakarta.persistence.lock.scope is specified with a value of PessimisticLockScope#EXTENDED.
extract(TemporalField<N, T>, Expression<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that returns the value of a field extracted from a date, time, or datetime.


fetch() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Basic
(Optional) Whether the value of the field or property should be lazily loaded or must be eagerly fetched.
fetch() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.ElementCollection
(Optional) Whether the collection should be lazily loaded or must be eagerly fetched.
fetch() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.ManyToMany
(Optional) Whether the association should be lazily loaded or must be eagerly fetched.
fetch() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.ManyToOne
(Optional) Whether the association should be lazily loaded or must be eagerly fetched.
fetch() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.OneToMany
(Optional) Whether the association should be lazily loaded or must be eagerly fetched.
fetch() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.OneToOne
(Optional) Whether the association should be lazily loaded or must be eagerly fetched.
fetch(PluralAttribute<? super X, ?, Y>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.FetchParent
Create a fetch join to the specified collection-valued attribute using an inner join.
fetch(PluralAttribute<? super X, ?, Y>, JoinType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.FetchParent
Create a fetch join to the specified collection-valued attribute using the given join type.
fetch(SingularAttribute<? super X, Y>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.FetchParent
Create a fetch join to the specified single-valued attribute using an inner join.
fetch(SingularAttribute<? super X, Y>, JoinType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.FetchParent
Create a fetch join to the specified single-valued attribute using the given join type.
fetch(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.FetchParent
Create a fetch join to the specified attribute using an inner join.
fetch(String, JoinType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.FetchParent
Create a fetch join to the specified attribute using the given join type.
Fetch<Z,X> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.criteria
Represents a join-fetched association or attribute.
FetchParent<Z,X> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.criteria
Represents an element of the from clause which may function as the parent of Fetches.
FetchType - Enum Class in jakarta.persistence
Defines strategies for fetching data from the database.
FIELD - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.AccessType
Field-based access is used.
FieldResult - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Used in conjunction with the EntityResult annotation to map columns specified in the SELECT list of a SQL query to the properties or fields of an entity class.
fields() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.EntityResult
Maps the columns specified in the SELECT list of the query to the properties or fields of the entity class.
find(EntityGraph<T>, Object, FindOption...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Find an instance of the root entity of the given EntityGraph by primary key, using the specified options, and interpreting the EntityGraph as a load graph.
find(Class<T>, Object) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Find by primary key.
find(Class<T>, Object, FindOption...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Find an instance of the given entity class by primary key, using the specified options.
find(Class<T>, Object, LockModeType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Find by primary key and obtain the given lock type for the resulting entity.
find(Class<T>, Object, LockModeType, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Find by primary key and lock the entity, using the specified properties.
find(Class<T>, Object, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Find by primary key, using the specified properties.
FindOption - Interface in jakarta.persistence
An option influencing the behavior of EntityManager.find(java.lang.Class<T>, java.lang.Object).
FIRST - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.criteria.Nulls
Null values occur at the beginning of the result set.
floor(Expression<N>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that returns the floor of its argument, that is, the largest integer smaller than or equal to its argument.
flush() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Synchronize changes held in the persistence context to the underlying database.
FlushModeType - Enum Class in jakarta.persistence
Enumerates flush modes recognized by the EntityManager.
foreignKey() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.AssociationOverride
(Optional) Used to specify or control the generation of a foreign key constraint for the columns corresponding to the joinColumns element when table generation is in effect.
foreignKey() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.CollectionTable
(Optional) Used to specify or control the generation of a foreign key constraint for the columns corresponding to the CollectionTable.joinColumns() element when table generation is in effect.
foreignKey() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.JoinColumn
(Optional) Used to specify or control the generation of a foreign key constraint when table generation is in effect.
foreignKey() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.JoinColumns
(Optional) Used to specify or control the generation of a foreign key constraint when table generation is in effect.
foreignKey() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.JoinTable
(Optional) Used to specify or control the generation of a foreign key constraint for the columns corresponding to the JoinTable.joinColumns() element when table generation is in effect.
foreignKey() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.MapKeyJoinColumn
(Optional) Used to specify or control the generation of a foreign key constraint when table generation is in effect.
foreignKey() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.MapKeyJoinColumns
(Optional) Used to specify or control the generation of a foreign key constraint when table generation is in effect.
foreignKey() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.PrimaryKeyJoinColumn
(Optional) Used to specify or control the generation of a foreign key constraint for the primary key join column when table generation is in effect.
foreignKey() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.PrimaryKeyJoinColumns
(Optional) Used to specify or control the generation of a foreign key constraint when table generation is in effect.
foreignKey() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.SecondaryTable
(Optional) Used to specify or control the generation of a foreign key constraint for the columns corresponding to the SecondaryTable.pkJoinColumns() element when table generation is in effect.
ForeignKey - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies the handling of foreign key constraints when schema generation is in effect.
foreignKeyDefinition() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.ForeignKey
(Optional) The foreign key constraint definition.
from(EntityType<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaDelete
Create and add a query root corresponding to the entity that is the target of the DELETE.
from(EntityType<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaUpdate
Create and add a query root corresponding to the entity that is the target of the update.
from(EntityType<X>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.AbstractQuery
Create and add a query root corresponding to the given entity, forming a cartesian product with any existing roots.
from(Class<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaDelete
Create and add a query root corresponding to the entity that is the target of the DELETE.
from(Class<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaUpdate
Create and add a query root corresponding to the entity that is the target of the update.
from(Class<X>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.AbstractQuery
Create and add a query root corresponding to the given entity, forming a cartesian product with any existing roots.
From<Z,X> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.criteria
Represents a bound type, usually an entity that appears in the from clause, but may also be an embeddable belonging to an entity in the from clause.
function(String, Class<T>, Expression<?>...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression for the execution of a database function.


ge(Expression<? extends Number>, Expression<? extends Number>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is greater than or equal to the second.
ge(Expression<? extends Number>, Number) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is greater than or equal to the second.
GeneratedValue - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies a generation strategy for generated primary keys.
generateSchema(PersistenceUnitInfo, Map<?, ?>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceProvider
Create database schemas and/or tables and/or create DDL scripts as determined by the supplied properties.
generateSchema(String, Map<?, ?>) - Static method in class jakarta.persistence.Persistence
Create database schemas and/or tables and/or create DDL scripts as determined by the supplied properties.
generateSchema(String, Map<?, ?>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceProvider
Create database schemas and/or tables and/or create DDL scripts as determined by the supplied properties.
GenerationType - Enum Class in jakarta.persistence
Enumerates the defined primary key generation strategies.
generator() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.GeneratedValue
(Optional) The name of the primary key generator to use, as specified by the SequenceGenerator or TableGenerator annotation which declares the generator.
get(int) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Tuple
Get the value of the element at the specified position in the result tuple.
get(int, Class<X>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Tuple
Get the value of the element at the specified position in the result tuple.
get(MapAttribute<? super X, K, V>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Path
Create a path corresponding to the referenced map-valued attribute.
get(PluralAttribute<? super X, C, E>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Path
Create a path corresponding to the referenced collection-valued attribute.
get(SingularAttribute<? super X, Y>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Path
Create a path corresponding to the referenced single-valued attribute.
get(TupleElement<X>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Tuple
Get the value of the specified tuple element.
get(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Path
Create a path corresponding to the referenced attribute.
get(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Tuple
Get the value of the tuple element to which the specified alias has been assigned.
get(String, Class<X>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Tuple
Get the value of the tuple element to which the specified alias has been assigned.
getAlias() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.TupleElement
Return the alias assigned to the tuple element or null, if no alias has been assigned.
getAttribute() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Fetch
Return the metamodel attribute corresponding to the fetch join.
getAttribute() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Join
Return the metamodel attribute representing the join target, if any, or null if the target of the join is an entity type.
getAttribute(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.ManagedType
Return the attribute of the managed type that corresponds to the specified name.
getAttributeName() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.AttributeNode
Return the name of the attribute corresponding to the attribute node.
getAttributeNode(Attribute<? super T, Y>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Graph
Get an existing attribute node for the given attribute.
getAttributeNode(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Graph
Get an existing attribute node for the attribute with the given name.
getAttributeNodes() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Graph
Return the attribute nodes corresponding to the attributes of this managed type that are included in the graph.
getAttributes() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.ManagedType
Return the attributes of the managed type.
getBindableJavaType() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Bindable
Return the Java type of the represented object.
getBindableType() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Bindable
Return the bindable type of the represented object.
getCache() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManagerFactory
Access the cache that is associated with the entity manager factory (the "second level cache").
getCacheRetrieveMode() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
The cache retrieval mode for this persistence context.
getCacheRetrieveMode() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
The cache retrieval mode that will be in effect during query execution.
getCacheStoreMode() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
The cache storage mode for this persistence context.
getCacheStoreMode() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
The cache storage mode that will be in effect during query execution.
getClass(T) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.PersistenceUnitUtil
Return the concrete entity class if the given entity belonging to the persistence unit and to an open persistence context.
getClassLoader() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitInfo
Returns ClassLoader that the provider may use to load any classes, resources, or open URLs.
getClassType() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Subgraph
Return the type for which this subgraph was defined.
getCollection(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.ManagedType
Return the Collection-valued attribute of the managed type that corresponds to the specified name.
getCollection(String, Class<E>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.ManagedType
Return the Collection-valued attribute of the managed type that corresponds to the specified name and Java element type.
getCollectionType() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.PluralAttribute
Return the collection type.
getCompoundSelectionItems() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Selection
Return the selection items composing a compound selection.
getContainingQuery() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Subquery
Return the query of which this is a subquery.
getCorrelatedJoins() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Subquery
Return the correlated joins of the subquery.
getCorrelationParent() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.From
Returns the parent From object from which the correlated From object has been obtained through correlation (use of Subquery.correlate(jakarta.persistence.criteria.Root<Y>) method).
getCriteriaBuilder() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Obtain an instance of CriteriaBuilder which may be used to construct CriteriaQuery objects.
getCriteriaBuilder() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManagerFactory
Return an instance of CriteriaBuilder which may be used to construct CriteriaQuery objects.
getDeclaredAttribute(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.ManagedType
Return the attribute declared by the managed type that corresponds to the specified name.
getDeclaredAttributes() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.ManagedType
Return the attributes declared by the managed type.
getDeclaredCollection(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.ManagedType
Return the Collection-valued attribute declared by the managed type that corresponds to the specified name.
getDeclaredCollection(String, Class<E>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.ManagedType
Return the Collection-valued attribute declared by the managed type that corresponds to the specified name and Java element type.
getDeclaredId(Class<Y>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.IdentifiableType
Return the attribute that corresponds to the id attribute declared by the entity or mapped superclass.
getDeclaredList(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.ManagedType
Return the List-valued attribute declared by the managed type that corresponds to the specified name.
getDeclaredList(String, Class<E>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.ManagedType
Return the List-valued attribute declared by the managed type that corresponds to the specified name and Java element type.
getDeclaredMap(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.ManagedType
Return the Map-valued attribute declared by the managed type that corresponds to the specified name.
getDeclaredMap(String, Class<K>, Class<V>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.ManagedType
Return the Map-valued attribute declared by the managed type that corresponds to the specified name and Java key and value types.
getDeclaredPluralAttributes() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.ManagedType
Return all multi-valued attributes (Collection-, Set-, List-, and Map-valued attributes) declared by the managed type.
getDeclaredSet(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.ManagedType
Return the Set-valued attribute declared by the managed type that corresponds to the specified name.
getDeclaredSet(String, Class<E>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.ManagedType
Return the Set-valued attribute declared by the managed type that corresponds to the specified name and Java element type.
getDeclaredSingularAttribute(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.ManagedType
Return the single-valued attribute declared by the managed type that corresponds to the specified name.
getDeclaredSingularAttribute(String, Class<Y>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.ManagedType
Return the single-valued attribute declared by the managed type that corresponds to the specified name and Java type.
getDeclaredSingularAttributes() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.ManagedType
Return the single-valued attributes declared by the managed type.
getDeclaredVersion(Class<Y>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.IdentifiableType
Return the attribute that corresponds to the version attribute declared by the entity or mapped superclass.
getDeclaringType() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Attribute
Return the managed type representing the type in which the attribute was declared.
getDelegate() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Return the underlying provider object for the EntityManager, if available.
getElements() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Tuple
Return the tuple elements.
getElementType() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.PluralAttribute
Return the type representing the element type of the collection.
getEmbeddables() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Metamodel
Return the metamodel embeddable types.
getEntities() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Metamodel
Return the metamodel entity types.
getEntity() - Method in exception class jakarta.persistence.OptimisticLockException
Returns the entity that caused this exception.
getEntity() - Method in exception class jakarta.persistence.PessimisticLockException
Returns the entity that caused this exception.
getEntityGraph(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Obtain a named EntityGraph.
getEntityGraphs(Class<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Return all named EntityGraphs that are defined for the given entity class type.
getEntityManagerFactory() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
The entity manager factory which created this entity manager.
getExpression() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder.In
Return the expression to be tested against the list of values.
getExpression() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder.SimpleCase
Return the expression to be tested against the conditions.
getExpression() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Order
Return the expression that is used for ordering.
getExpressions() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Predicate
Return the top-level conjuncts or disjuncts of the predicate.
getFailures() - Method in exception class jakarta.persistence.SchemaValidationException
An array of problems detected while validating the schema.
getFetches() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.FetchParent
Return the fetch joins that have been made from this type.
getFirstResult() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
The position of the first result the query object was set to retrieve.
getFlushMode() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Get the flush mode that applies to all objects contained in the persistence context.
getFlushMode() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
Get the flush mode in effect for the query execution.
getGroupList() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.AbstractQuery
Return a list of the grouping expressions.
getGroupRestriction() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.AbstractQuery
Return the predicate that corresponds to the restriction(s) over the grouping items, or null if no restrictions have been specified.
getHints() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
Get the properties and hints and associated values that are in effect for the query instance.
getHints() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.TypedQueryReference
A map keyed by hint name of all hints specified via NamedQuery.hints() or NamedNativeQuery.hints().
getId(Class<Y>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.IdentifiableType
Return the attribute that corresponds to the id attribute of the entity or mapped superclass.
getIdClassAttributes() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.IdentifiableType
Return the attributes corresponding to the id class of the identifiable type.
getIdentifier(Object) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.PersistenceUnitUtil
Return the id of the entity.
getIdType() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.IdentifiableType
Return the type that represents the type of the id.
getJarFileUrls() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitInfo
Returns a list of URLs for the jar files or exploded jar file directories that the persistence provider must examine for managed classes of the persistence unit.
getJavaMember() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Attribute
Return the Member for the represented attribute.
getJavaType() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Attribute
Return the Java type of the represented attribute.
getJavaType() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Type
Return the represented Java type.
getJavaType() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.TupleElement
Return the Java type of the tuple element.
getJoins() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.From
Return the joins that have been made from this bound type.
getJoinType() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Fetch
Return the join type used in the fetch join.
getJoinType() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Join
Return the join type.
getJtaDataSource() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitInfo
Returns the JTA-enabled data source to be used by the persistence provider.
getKeyJavaType() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.MapAttribute
Return the Java type of the map key.
getKeySubgraphs() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.AttributeNode
Return a map of subgraphs associated with this attribute node's map key.
getKeyType() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.MapAttribute
Return the type representing the key type of the map.
getList(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.ManagedType
Return the List-valued attribute of the managed type that corresponds to the specified name.
getList(String, Class<E>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.ManagedType
Return the List-valued attribute of the managed type that corresponds to the specified name and Java element type.
getLockMode() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
Get the current lock mode for the query.
getLockMode(Object) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Get the current lock mode held by this persistence context on the given managed entity instance.
getManagedClassNames() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitInfo
Returns the list of the names of the classes that the persistence provider must add to its set of managed classes.
getManagedTypes() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Metamodel
Return the metamodel managed types.
getMap(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.ManagedType
Return the Map-valued attribute of the managed type that corresponds to the specified name.
getMap(String, Class<K>, Class<V>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.ManagedType
Return the Map-valued attribute of the managed type that corresponds to the specified name and Java key and value types.
getMappingFileNames() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitInfo
Returns the list of the names of the mapping files that the persistence provider must load to determine the mappings for the entity classes.
getMaxResults() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
The maximum number of results the query object was set to retrieve.
getMetamodel() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Obtain an instance of the Metamodel interface which provides access to metamodel objects describing the managed types belonging to the persistence unit.
getMetamodel() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManagerFactory
Return an instance of the Metamodel interface for access to the metamodel of the persistence unit.
getModel() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CollectionJoin
Return the metamodel representation for the collection attribute.
getModel() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.ListJoin
Return the metamodel representation for the list attribute.
getModel() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.MapJoin
Return the metamodel representation for the map attribute.
getModel() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Path
Return the bindable object that corresponds to the path expression.
getModel() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.PluralJoin
Return the metamodel representation for the collection-valued attribute corresponding to the join.
getModel() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Root
Return the metamodel entity corresponding to the root.
getModel() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.SetJoin
Return the metamodel representation for the set attribute.
getName() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityGraph
Return the name of a named EntityGraph (an entity graph defined by means of the NamedEntityGraph annotation, XML descriptor element, or added by means of the EntityManagerFactory.addNamedEntityGraph(java.lang.String, jakarta.persistence.EntityGraph<T>) method).
getName() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManagerFactory
The name of the persistence unit.
getName() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Attribute
Return the name of the attribute.
getName() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.EntityType
Return the entity name.
getName() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Parameter
Return the parameter name, or null if the parameter is not a named parameter or no name has been assigned.
getName() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.TypedQueryReference
The name of the query.
getNamedEntityGraphs(Class<E>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManagerFactory
A map keyed by graph name, containing every named entity graph whose entity type is assignable to the given Java type.
getNamedQueries(Class<R>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManagerFactory
A map keyed by query name, containing references to every named query whose result type is assignable to the given Java type.
getNewTempClassLoader() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitInfo
Return a new instance of a ClassLoader that the provider may use to temporarily load any classes, resources, or open URLs.
getNonJtaDataSource() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitInfo
Returns the non-JTA-enabled data source to be used by the persistence provider for accessing data outside a JTA transaction.
getNullPrecedence() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Order
Return the precedence of null values.
getObject() - Method in exception class jakarta.persistence.LockTimeoutException
Returns the object that caused this exception.
getOn() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Join
Return the predicate that corresponds to the ON restriction(s) on the join, or null if no ON condition has been specified.
getOperator() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Predicate
Return the boolean operator for the predicate.
getOrderList() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery
Return the ordering expressions in order of precedence.
getOutputParameterValue(int) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.StoredProcedureQuery
Retrieve a value passed back from the procedure through an INOUT or OUT parameter.
getOutputParameterValue(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.StoredProcedureQuery
Retrieve a value passed back from the procedure through an INOUT or OUT parameter.
getParameter(int) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
Get the parameter object corresponding to the declared positional parameter with the given position.
getParameter(int, Class<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
Get the parameter object corresponding to the declared positional parameter with the given position and type.
getParameter(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
Get the parameter object corresponding to the declared parameter of the given name.
getParameter(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
Get the parameter object corresponding to the declared parameter of the given name and type.
getParameters() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CommonAbstractCriteria
Return the parameters of the query.
getParameters() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
Get the parameter objects corresponding to the declared parameters of the query.
getParameterType() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Parameter
Return the Java type of the parameter.
getParameterValue(int) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
Return the input value bound to the positional parameter.
getParameterValue(Parameter<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
Return the input value bound to the parameter.
getParameterValue(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
Return the input value bound to the named parameter.
getParent() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Fetch
Return the parent of the fetched item.
getParent() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Join
Return the parent of the join.
getParent() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Subquery
Return the query of which this is a subquery.
getParentPath() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Path
Return the parent "node" in the path or null if no parent.
getPersistenceProviderClassName() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitInfo
Returns the fully qualified name of the persistence provider implementation class.
getPersistenceProviderResolver() - Static method in class jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceProviderResolverHolder
Returns the current persistence provider resolver.
getPersistenceProviders() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceProviderResolver
Returns a list of the persistence provider implementations available in the runtime environment.
getPersistenceType() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Type
Return the persistence type.
getPersistenceUnitName() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitInfo
Returns the name of the persistence unit.
getPersistenceUnitRootUrl() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitInfo
Returns the URL for the jar file or directory that is the root of the persistence unit.
getPersistenceUnitUtil() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManagerFactory
Return interface providing access to utility methods for the persistence unit.
getPersistenceUtil() - Static method in class jakarta.persistence.Persistence
Return the PersistenceUtil instance
getPersistenceXMLSchemaVersion() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitInfo
Returns the schema version of the persistence.xml file.
getPersistentAttributeType() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Attribute
Return the persistent attribute type for the attribute.
getPluralAttributes() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.ManagedType
Return all multi-valued attributes (Collection-, Set-, List-, and Map-valued attributes) of the managed type.
getPosition() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Parameter
Return the parameter position, or null if the parameter is not a positional parameter.
getProperties() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
The properties and hints and their associated values which are in effect for this entity manager.
getProperties() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManagerFactory
Get the properties and associated values that are in effect for the entity manager factory.
getProperties() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitInfo
Returns a properties object.
getProviderUtil() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceProvider
Return the utility interface implemented by the persistence provider.
getQuery() - Method in exception class jakarta.persistence.QueryTimeoutException
Returns the query that caused this exception.
getReference(Class<T>, Object) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Obtain a reference to an instance of the given entity class with the given primary key, whose state may be lazily fetched.
getReference(T) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Obtain a reference to an instance of the entity class of the given object, with the same primary key as the given object, whose state may be lazily fetched.
getRestriction() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CommonAbstractCriteria
Return the predicate that corresponds to the where clause restriction(s), or null if no restrictions have been specified.
getResultList() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
Execute a SELECT query and return the query results as an untyped List.
getResultList() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.StoredProcedureQuery
Retrieve the list of results from the next result set.
getResultList() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.TypedQuery
Execute a SELECT query and return the query results as a typed List<X>.
getResultStream() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
Execute a SELECT query and return the query results as an untyped Stream.
getResultStream() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.TypedQuery
Execute a SELECT query and return the query result as a typed Stream<X>.
getResultType() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.AbstractQuery
Return the result type of the query or subquery.
getResultType() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.TypedQueryReference
The result type of the query.
getRollbackOnly() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityTransaction
Determine whether the current resource transaction has been marked for rollback.
getRoot() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaDelete
Return the query root.
getRoot() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaUpdate
Return the query root.
getRoots() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.AbstractQuery
Return the query roots.
getSchemaManager() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManagerFactory
Return interface providing access to schema management operations for the persistence unit.
getSelection() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.AbstractQuery
Return the selection of the query, or null if no selection has been set.
getSelection() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Subquery
Return the selection expression.
getSet(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.ManagedType
Return the Set-valued attribute of the managed type that corresponds to the specified name.
getSet(String, Class<E>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.ManagedType
Return the Set-valued attribute of the managed type that corresponds to the specified name and Java element type.
getSharedCacheMode() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitInfo
Returns the specification of how the provider must use a second-level cache for the persistence unit.
getSingleResult() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
Execute a SELECT query that returns a single untyped result.
getSingleResult() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.StoredProcedureQuery
Retrieve a single result from the next result set.
getSingleResult() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.TypedQuery
Execute a SELECT query that returns a single result.
getSingleResultOrNull() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
Execute a SELECT query that returns a single untyped result.
getSingleResultOrNull() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.StoredProcedureQuery
Retrieve a single result from the next result set.
getSingleResultOrNull() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.TypedQuery
Execute a SELECT query that returns a single untyped result.
getSingularAttribute(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.ManagedType
Return the single-valued attribute of the managed type that corresponds to the specified name.
getSingularAttribute(String, Class<Y>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.ManagedType
Return the single-valued attribute of the managed type that corresponds to the specified name and Java type.
getSingularAttributes() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.ManagedType
Return the single-valued attributes of the managed type.
getSubgraphs() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.AttributeNode
Return a map of subgraphs associated with this attribute node.
getSupertype() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.IdentifiableType
Return the identifiable type that corresponds to the most specific mapped superclass or entity extended by the entity or mapped superclass.
getTimeout() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
The query timeout.
getTransaction() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Return the resource-level EntityTransaction object.
getTransactionType() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManagerFactory
The type of transaction management used by this persistence unit, either resource-local transaction management, or JTA.
getTransactionType() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitInfo
Returns the transaction type of the entity managers created by the EntityManagerFactory.
getType() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.SingularAttribute
Return the type that represents the type of the attribute.
getUpdateCount() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.StoredProcedureQuery
Return the update count or -1 if there is no pending result or if the next result is not an update count.
getValidationMode() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitInfo
Returns the validation mode to be used by the persistence provider for the persistence unit.
getVersion(Class<Y>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.IdentifiableType
Return the attribute that corresponds to the version attribute of the entity or mapped superclass.
getVersion(Object) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.PersistenceUnitUtil
Return the version of the entity.
Graph<T> - Interface in jakarta.persistence
Declares operations common to EntityGraph and Subgraph.
greaterThan(Expression<? extends Y>, Expression<? extends Y>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is greater than the second.
greaterThan(Expression<? extends Y>, Y) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is greater than the second.
greaterThanOrEqualTo(Expression<? extends Y>, Expression<? extends Y>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is greater than or equal to the second.
greaterThanOrEqualTo(Expression<? extends Y>, Y) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is greater than or equal to the second.
greatest(Expression<X>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an aggregate expression for finding the greatest of the values (strings, dates, etc).
groupBy(Expression<?>...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.AbstractQuery
Specify the expressions that are used to form groups over the query results.
groupBy(Expression<?>...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery
Specify the expressions that are used to form groups over the query results.
groupBy(Expression<?>...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Subquery
Specify the expressions that are used to form groups over the subquery results.
groupBy(List<Expression<?>>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.AbstractQuery
Specify the expressions that are used to form groups over the query results.
groupBy(List<Expression<?>>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery
Specify the expressions that are used to form groups over the query results.
groupBy(List<Expression<?>>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Subquery
Specify the expressions that are used to form groups over the subquery results.
gt(Expression<? extends Number>, Expression<? extends Number>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is greater than the second.
gt(Expression<? extends Number>, Number) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is greater than the second.


hasAttributeNode(Attribute<? super T, ?>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Graph
Determine if there is an existing attribute node for the given attribute.
hasAttributeNode(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Graph
Determine if there is an existing attribute node for the attribute with the given name.
hasMoreResults() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.StoredProcedureQuery
Return true if the next result corresponds to a result set, and false if it is an update count or if there are no results other than through INOUT and OUT parameters, if any.
hasSingleIdAttribute() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.IdentifiableType
Whether the identifiable type has a single id attribute.
hasVersionAttribute() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.IdentifiableType
Whether the identifiable type has a version attribute.
having(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.AbstractQuery
Specify a restriction over the groups of the query.
having(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery
Specify a restriction over the groups of the query.
having(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Subquery
Specify a restriction over the groups of the subquery.
having(Predicate...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.AbstractQuery
Specify restrictions over the groups of the query according the conjunction of the specified restriction predicates.
having(Predicate...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery
Specify restrictions over the groups of the query according the conjunction of the specified restriction predicates.
having(Predicate...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Subquery
Specify restrictions over the groups of the subquery according the conjunction of the specified restriction predicates.
having(List<Predicate>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.AbstractQuery
Specify restrictions over the groups of the query according the conjunction of the specified restriction predicates.
having(List<Predicate>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery
Specify restrictions over the groups of the query according the conjunction of the specified restriction predicates.
having(List<Predicate>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Subquery
Specify restrictions over the groups of the query according the conjunction of the specified restriction predicates.
hints() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.NamedNativeQuery
Query properties and hints.
hints() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.NamedQuery
(Optional) Query properties and hints.
hints() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.NamedStoredProcedureQuery
Query properties and hints.
HOUR - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.criteria.LocalDateTimeField
The hour of the day in 24-hour time, numbered from 0 to 23.
HOUR - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.criteria.LocalTimeField
The hour of the day in 24-hour time, numbered from 0 to 23.


Id - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Identifies the primary key of an entity.
IdClass - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies a composite primary key type whose fields or properties map to the identifier fields or properties of the annotated entity class.
IdentifiableType<X> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.metamodel
An instance of the type IdentifiableType represents an entity or mapped superclass type.
IDENTITY - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.GenerationType
Indicates that the persistence provider must assign primary keys for the entity using a database identity column.
in(Expression<?>...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Expression
Create a predicate to test whether the expression is a member of the argument list.
in(Expression<? extends T>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create predicate to test whether given expression is contained in a list of values.
in(Expression<Collection<?>>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Expression
Create a predicate to test whether the expression is a member of the collection.
in(Object...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Expression
Create a predicate to test whether the expression is a member of the argument list.
in(Collection<?>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Expression
Create a predicate to test whether the expression is a member of the collection.
IN - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.ParameterMode
Stored procedure input parameter
includeAllAttributes() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.NamedEntityGraph
(Optional) Includes all of the attributes of the annotated entity class as attribute nodes in the NamedEntityGraph without the need to explicitly list them.
index() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.ListJoin
Create an expression that corresponds to the index of the object in the referenced association or element collection.
Index - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Used in schema generation to specify creation of an index.
indexes() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.CollectionTable
(Optional) Indexes for the table.
indexes() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.JoinTable
(Optional) Indexes for the table.
indexes() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.SecondaryTable
(Optional) Indexes for the table.
indexes() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Table
(Optional) Indexes for the table.
indexes() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.TableGenerator
(Optional) Indexes for the table.
Inheritance - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies the inheritance mapping strategy for the entity class hierarchy which descends from the annotated entity class.
InheritanceType - Enum Class in jakarta.persistence
Enumerated the options for mapping entity inheritance.
initialValue() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.SequenceGenerator
(Optional) The value from which the sequence object is to start generating.
initialValue() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.TableGenerator
(Optional) The initial value to be used to initialize the column that stores the last value generated.
INNER - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.criteria.JoinType
Inner join.
INOUT - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.ParameterMode
Stored procedure input/output parameter
insertable() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Column
(Optional) Whether the column is included in SQL INSERT statements generated by the persistence provider.
insertable() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.JoinColumn
(Optional) Whether the column is included in SQL INSERT statements generated by the persistence provider.
insertable() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.MapKeyColumn
(Optional) Whether the column is included in SQL INSERT statements generated by the persistence provider.
insertable() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.MapKeyJoinColumn
(Optional) Whether the column is included in SQL INSERT statements generated by the persistence provider.
insertable() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.OrderColumn
(Optional) Whether the column is included in SQL INSERT statements generated by the persistence provider.
INTEGER - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.DiscriminatorType
Integer as the discriminator type.
intersect(CriteriaSelect<? super T>, CriteriaSelect<? super T>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a query which is the intersection of the given queries.
intersectAll(CriteriaSelect<? super T>, CriteriaSelect<? super T>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a query which is the intersection of the given queries, without elimination of duplicate results.
inverseForeignKey() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.JoinTable
(Optional) Used to specify or control the generation of a foreign key constraint for the columns corresponding to the JoinTable.inverseJoinColumns() element when table generation is in effect.
inverseJoinColumns() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.JoinTable
(Optional) The foreign key columns of the join table which reference the primary table of the entity that does not own the association.
isActive() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityTransaction
Indicate whether a resource transaction is in progress.
isAscending() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Order
Whether ascending ordering is in effect.
isAssociation() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Attribute
Is the attribute an association.
isBound(Parameter<?>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
Return a boolean indicating whether a value has been bound to the parameter.
isCollection() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Attribute
Is the attribute collection-valued (represents a Collection, Set, List, or Map).
isCompoundSelection() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Selection
Whether the selection item is a compound selection.
isCorrelated() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.From
Whether the From object has been obtained as a result of correlation (use of a Subquery.correlate(jakarta.persistence.criteria.Root<Y>) method).
isDistinct() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.AbstractQuery
Return whether duplicate query results must be eliminated or retained.
isEmpty(Expression<C>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate that tests whether a collection is empty.
isFalse(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate testing for a false value.
isId() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.SingularAttribute
Is the attribute an id attribute? This method returns true if the attribute is a simple id, an embedded id, or an attribute of an id class.
isInstance(Object, Class<?>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.PersistenceUnitUtil
Return true if the given entity belonging to the persistence unit and to an open persistence context is an instance of the given entity class, or false otherwise.
isJoinedToTransaction() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Determine whether the entity manager is joined to the current transaction.
isLoaded(E, Attribute<? super E, ?>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.PersistenceUnitUtil
Determine the load state of a given persistent attribute of an entity belonging to the persistence unit.
isLoaded(Object) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.PersistenceUnitUtil
Determine the load state of an entity belonging to the persistence unit.
isLoaded(Object) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.PersistenceUtil
Determine the load state of an entity.
isLoaded(Object) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.spi.ProviderUtil
If the provider determines that the entity has been provided by itself and that the state of all attributes for which FetchType.EAGER has been specified have been loaded, this method returns LoadState.LOADED.
isLoaded(Object, String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.PersistenceUnitUtil
Determine the load state of a given persistent attribute of an entity belonging to the persistence unit.
isLoaded(Object, String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.PersistenceUtil
Determine the load state of a given persistent attribute.
isLoadedWithoutReference(Object, String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.spi.ProviderUtil
If the provider determines that the entity has been provided by itself and that the state of the specified attribute has been loaded, this method returns LoadState.LOADED.
isLoadedWithReference(Object, String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.spi.ProviderUtil
If the provider determines that the entity has been provided by itself and that the state of the specified attribute has been loaded, this method returns LoadState.LOADED.
isMember(E, Expression<C>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate that tests whether an element is a member of a collection.
isMember(Expression<E>, Expression<C>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate that tests whether an element is a member of a collection.
isNegated() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Predicate
Whether the predicate has been created from another predicate by applying Predicate.not() or by calling CriteriaBuilder.not(jakarta.persistence.criteria.Expression<java.lang.Boolean>).
isNotEmpty(Expression<C>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate that tests whether a collection is not empty.
isNotMember(E, Expression<C>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate that tests whether an element is not a member of a collection.
isNotMember(Expression<E>, Expression<C>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate that tests whether an element is not a member of a collection.
isNotNull() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Expression
Create a predicate to test whether the expression is not null.
isNotNull(Expression<?>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate to test whether the expression is not null.
isNull() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Expression
Create a predicate to test whether the expression is null.
isNull(Expression<?>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate to test whether the expression is null.
isOpen() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Determine whether the entity manager is open.
isOpen() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManagerFactory
Indicates whether the factory is open.
isOptional() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.SingularAttribute
Can the attribute be null?
isTrue(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate testing for a true value.
isVersion() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.SingularAttribute
Is the attribute a version attribute?


jakarta.persistence - module jakarta.persistence
jakarta.persistence - package jakarta.persistence
Jakarta Persistence is the API for the management for persistence and object/relational mapping.
jakarta.persistence.criteria - package jakarta.persistence.criteria
Jakarta Persistence Criteria API
jakarta.persistence.metamodel - package jakarta.persistence.metamodel
Jakarta Persistence Metamodel API
jakarta.persistence.spi - package jakarta.persistence.spi
SPI for Jakarta Persistence providers
JDBC_DATASOURCE - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
An instance of javax.sql.DataSource.
JDBC_DRIVER - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
Fully qualified name of the JDBC driver class.
JDBC_PASSWORD - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
Password for JDBC authentication.
JDBC_URL - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
JDBC_USER - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
Username for JDBC authentication.
join(CollectionAttribute<? super X, Y>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.From
Create an inner join to the specified Collection-valued attribute.
join(CollectionAttribute<? super X, Y>, JoinType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.From
Create a join to the specified Collection-valued attribute using the given join type.
join(EntityType<Y>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.From
Create and add an inner join to the given entity.
join(EntityType<Y>, JoinType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.From
Create and add a join to the given entity.
join(ListAttribute<? super X, Y>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.From
Create an inner join to the specified List-valued attribute.
join(ListAttribute<? super X, Y>, JoinType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.From
Create a join to the specified List-valued attribute using the given join type.
join(MapAttribute<? super X, K, V>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.From
Create an inner join to the specified Map-valued attribute.
join(MapAttribute<? super X, K, V>, JoinType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.From
Create a join to the specified Map-valued attribute using the given join type.
join(SetAttribute<? super X, Y>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.From
Create an inner join to the specified Set-valued attribute.
join(SetAttribute<? super X, Y>, JoinType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.From
Create a join to the specified Set-valued attribute using the given join type.
join(SingularAttribute<? super X, Y>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.From
Create an inner join to the specified single-valued attribute.
join(SingularAttribute<? super X, Y>, JoinType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.From
Create a join to the specified single-valued attribute using the given join type.
join(Class<Y>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.From
Create and add an inner join to the given entity.
join(Class<Y>, JoinType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.From
Create and add a join to the given entity.
join(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.From
Create an inner join to the specified attribute.
join(String, JoinType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.From
Create a join to the specified attribute using the given join type.
Join<Z,X> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.criteria
A join to an entity, embeddable, or basic type.
joinCollection(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.From
Create an inner join to the specified Collection-valued attribute.
joinCollection(String, JoinType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.From
Create a join to the specified Collection-valued attribute using the given join type.
JoinColumn - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies a column for joining an entity association or element collection.
joinColumns() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.AssociationOverride
The join column(s) being mapped to the persistent attribute(s).
joinColumns() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.CollectionTable
(Optional) The foreign key columns of the collection table which reference the primary table of the entity.
joinColumns() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.JoinTable
(Optional) The foreign key columns of the join table which reference the primary table of the entity owning the association.
JoinColumns - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies the mapping for composite foreign keys.
JOINED - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.InheritanceType
A table for each abstract or concrete entity class, with only the columns mapped to persistent fields and properties declared by the entity class.
joinList(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.From
Create an inner join to the specified List-valued attribute.
joinList(String, JoinType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.From
Create a join to the specified List-valued attribute using the given join type.
joinMap(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.From
Create an inner join to the specified Map-valued attribute.
joinMap(String, JoinType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.From
Create a join to the specified Map-valued attribute using the given join type.
joinSet(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.From
Create an inner join to the specified Set-valued attribute.
joinSet(String, JoinType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.From
Create a join to the specified Set-valued attribute using the given join type.
joinTable() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.AssociationOverride
The join table that maps the relationship.
JoinTable - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies the mapping of an association to an intermediate join table.
joinTransaction() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Indicate to the entity manager that a JTA transaction is active and join the persistence context to it.
JoinType - Enum Class in jakarta.persistence.criteria
Defines the three varieties of join.
JTA - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceUnitTransactionType
Transaction management via JTA.
JTA - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitTransactionType
JTA entity managers are created.
jtaDataSource() - Method in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
The JNDI name of a JTA javax.sql.DataSource.
jtaDataSource(String) - Method in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
Specify the JNDI name of a JTA javax.sql.DataSource.


key() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.MapJoin
Create a path expression that corresponds to the map key.
keys(M) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that returns the keys of a map.
keySubgraph() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.NamedAttributeNode
(Optional) If the attribute references a Map type, this element can be used to specify a subgraph for the Key in the case of an Entity key type.


LAST - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.criteria.Nulls
Null values occur at the end of the result set.
LAZY - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.FetchType
Data may be lazily fetched.
le(Expression<? extends Number>, Expression<? extends Number>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is less than or equal to the second.
le(Expression<? extends Number>, Number) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is less than or equal to the second.
LEADING - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder.Trimspec
Trim from leading end.
least(Expression<X>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an aggregate expression for finding the least of the values (strings, dates, etc).
left(Expression<String>, int) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression for the leftmost substring of a string,
left(Expression<String>, Expression<Integer>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression for the leftmost substring of a string,
LEFT - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.criteria.JoinType
Left outer join.
length() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Column
(Optional) The column length.
length() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.DiscriminatorColumn
(Optional) The column length for String-based discriminator types.
length() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.MapKeyColumn
(Optional) The column length.
length(Expression<String>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create expression to return length of a string.
lessThan(Expression<? extends Y>, Expression<? extends Y>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is less than the second.
lessThan(Expression<? extends Y>, Y) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is less than the second.
lessThanOrEqualTo(Expression<? extends Y>, Expression<? extends Y>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is less than or equal to the second.
lessThanOrEqualTo(Expression<? extends Y>, Y) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is less than or equal to the second.
like(Expression<String>, Expression<String>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate for testing whether the expression satisfies the given pattern.
like(Expression<String>, Expression<String>, char) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate for testing whether the expression satisfies the given pattern.
like(Expression<String>, Expression<String>, Expression<Character>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate for testing whether the expression satisfies the given pattern.
like(Expression<String>, String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate for testing whether the expression satisfies the given pattern.
like(Expression<String>, String, char) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate for testing whether the expression satisfies the given pattern.
like(Expression<String>, String, Expression<Character>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate for testing whether the expression satisfies the given pattern.
LIST - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.metamodel.PluralAttribute.CollectionType
List-valued attribute
ListAttribute<X,E> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.metamodel
Instances of the type ListAttribute represent persistent List-valued attributes.
ListJoin<Z,E> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.criteria
The ListJoin interface is the type of the result of joining to a collection over an association or element collection that has been specified as a List.
literal(T) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression for a literal.
ln(Expression<? extends Number>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that returns the natural logarithm of its argument.
load(E, Attribute<? super E, ?>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.PersistenceUnitUtil
Load the persistent value of a given persistent attribute of an entity belonging to the persistence unit and to an open persistence context.
load(Object) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.PersistenceUnitUtil
Load the persistent state of an entity belonging to the persistence unit and to an open persistence context.
load(Object, String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.PersistenceUnitUtil
Load the persistent value of a given persistent attribute of an entity belonging to the persistence unit and to an open persistence context.
LOADED - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.spi.LoadState
The state of the element is known to have been loaded.
LoadState - Enum Class in jakarta.persistence.spi
Load states returned by the ProviderUtil SPI methods.
Lob - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies that the annotated persistent property or field should be persisted as a large object to a database-native large object (LOB) type.
localDate() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create expression to return current local date.
LocalDateField<N> - Class in jakarta.persistence.criteria
Each instance represents a type of field which can be extracted from a LocalDate.
localDateTime() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create expression to return current local datetime.
LocalDateTimeField<N> - Class in jakarta.persistence.criteria
Each instance represents a type of field which can be extracted from a LocalDateTime.
localTime() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create expression to return current local time.
LocalTimeField<N> - Class in jakarta.persistence.criteria
Each instance represents a type of field which can be extracted from a LocalTime.
locate(Expression<String>, Expression<String>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create expression to locate the position of one string within another, returning position of first character if found.
locate(Expression<String>, Expression<String>, Expression<Integer>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create expression to locate the position of one string within another, returning position of first character if found.
locate(Expression<String>, String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create expression to locate the position of one string within another, returning position of first character if found.
locate(Expression<String>, String, int) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create expression to locate the position of one string within another, returning position of first character if found.
lock(Object, LockModeType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Lock an entity instance belonging to the persistence context, obtaining the specified lock mode.
lock(Object, LockModeType, LockOption...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Lock an entity instance belonging to the persistence context, obtaining the specified lock mode, using the specified options.
lock(Object, LockModeType, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Lock an entity instance belonging to the persistence context, obtaining the specified lock mode, using the specified properties.
LOCK_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
Default pessimistic lock timeout hint.
lockMode() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.EntityResult
The lock mode obtained by the SQL query.
lockMode() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.NamedQuery
(Optional) The lock mode type to use in query execution.
LockModeType - Enum Class in jakarta.persistence
Enumerates the kinds of optimistic or pessimistic lock which may be obtained on an entity instance.
LockOption - Interface in jakarta.persistence
LockTimeoutException - Exception Class in jakarta.persistence
Thrown by the persistence provider when a pessimistic locking conflict occurs that does not result in transaction rollback.
LockTimeoutException() - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.LockTimeoutException
Constructs a new LockTimeoutException exception with null as its detail message.
LockTimeoutException(Object) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.LockTimeoutException
Constructs a new LockTimeoutException exception with the specified object.
LockTimeoutException(String) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.LockTimeoutException
Constructs a new LockTimeoutException exception with the specified detail message.
LockTimeoutException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.LockTimeoutException
Constructs a new LockTimeoutException exception with the specified detail message and cause.
LockTimeoutException(String, Throwable, Object) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.LockTimeoutException
Constructs a new LockTimeoutException exception with the specified detail message, cause, and entity.
LockTimeoutException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.LockTimeoutException
Constructs a new LockTimeoutException exception with the specified cause.
lower(Expression<String>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create expression for converting a string to lowercase.
lt(Expression<? extends Number>, Expression<? extends Number>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is less than the second.
lt(Expression<? extends Number>, Number) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is less than the second.


managedClass(Class<?>) - Method in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
Add a managed class (an Entity, Embeddable, MappedSuperclass, or Converter) to the configuration.
managedClasses() - Method in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
The configured managed classes, that is, a list of classes annotated Entity, Embeddable, MappedSuperclass, or Converter.
managedType(Class<X>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Metamodel
Return the metamodel managed type representing the entity, mapped superclass, or embeddable class.
ManagedType<X> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.metamodel
Instances of the type ManagedType represent entity, mapped superclass, and embeddable types.
MANY_TO_MANY - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Attribute.PersistentAttributeType
Many-to-many association
MANY_TO_ONE - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Attribute.PersistentAttributeType
Many-to-one association
ManyToMany - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies a many-valued association with many-to-many multiplicity, mapping to an intermediate table called the join table.
ManyToOne - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies a single-valued association to another entity class that has many-to-one multiplicity.
MAP - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.metamodel.PluralAttribute.CollectionType
Map-valued attribute
MapAttribute<X,K,V> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.metamodel
Instances of the type MapAttribute represent persistent Map-valued attributes.
MapJoin<Z,K,V> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.criteria
The MapJoin interface is the type of the result of joining to a collection over an association or element collection that has been specified as a Map.
MapKey - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies the map key for associations of type Map when the map key is itself the primary key or a persistent field or property of the entity that is the value of the map.
MapKeyClass - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies the type of the map key for associations of type Map.
MapKeyColumn - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies the mapping for the key column of a map whose map key is a basic type.
MapKeyEnumerated - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies the enum type for a map key whose basic type is an enumerated type.
MapKeyJoinColumn - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies a mapping to an entity that is a map key.
MapKeyJoinColumns - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Supports composite map keys that reference entities.
MapKeyTemporal - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Newly-written code should use the date/time types defined in java.time.
MAPPED_SUPERCLASS - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Type.PersistenceType
Mapped superclass
mappedBy() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.ManyToMany
The field that owns the relationship.
mappedBy() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.OneToMany
The field that owns the relationship.
mappedBy() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.OneToOne
(Optional) The field that owns the relationship.
MappedSuperclass - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Declares a class which is not itself an entity, but whose mappings are inherited by the entities which extend it.
MappedSuperclassType<X> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.metamodel
An instance of the type MappedSuperclassType represents a mapped superclass type.
mappingFile(String) - Method in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
Add the path of an XML mapping file loaded as a resource to the configuration.
mappingFiles() - Method in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
The configured resource paths of XML mapping files.
MapsId - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Designates a ManyToOne or OneToOne relationship attribute that provides the mapping for an EmbeddedId primary key, an attribute within an EmbeddedId primary key, or a simple primary key of the parent entity.
max(Expression<N>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an aggregate expression applying the numerical max operation.
merge(T) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Merge the state of the given new or detached entity instance into the current persistence context, resulting in, respectively, an insert or possible update when the persistence context is synchronized with the database.
MERGE - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.CascadeType
Cascade the merge operation
Metamodel - Interface in jakarta.persistence.metamodel
Provides access to the metamodel of persistent entities in the persistence unit.
milliseconds() - Method in class jakarta.persistence.Timeout
The timeout in milliseconds.
milliseconds(int) - Static method in class jakarta.persistence.Timeout
Specify a timeout in milliseconds.
min(Expression<N>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an aggregate expression applying the numerical min operation.
MINUTE - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.criteria.LocalDateTimeField
The minute of the hour, numbered from 0 to 59.
MINUTE - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.criteria.LocalTimeField
The minute of the hour, numbered from 0 to 59.
mod(Expression<Integer>, Expression<Integer>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that returns the modulus (remainder under integer division) of its arguments.
mod(Expression<Integer>, Integer) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that returns the modulus (remainder under integer division) of its arguments.
mod(Integer, Expression<Integer>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that returns the modulus (remainder under integer division) of its arguments.
mode() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.StoredProcedureParameter
Specifies whether the parameter is an IN, INOUT, OUT, or REF_CURSOR parameter.
MONTH - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.criteria.LocalDateField
The calendar month of the year, numbered from 1.
MONTH - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.criteria.LocalDateTimeField
The calendar month of the year, numbered from 1.
ms(int) - Static method in class jakarta.persistence.Timeout
Specify a timeout in milliseconds.
multiselect(Selection<?>...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery
multiselect(List<Selection<?>>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery


name() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.AssociationOverride
(Required) The name of the relationship property whose mapping is being overridden if property-based access is being used, or the name of the relationship field if field-based access is used.
name() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.AttributeOverride
(Required) The name of the property whose mapping is being overridden if property-based access is being used, or the name of the field if field-based access is used.
name() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.CheckConstraint
(Optional) The name of the constraint.
name() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.CollectionTable
(Optional) The name of the collection table.
name() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Column
(Optional) The name of the column.
name() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.ColumnResult
(Required) The name of a column in the SELECT clause of a SQL query
name() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.DiscriminatorColumn
(Optional) The name of column to be used for the discriminator.
name() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Entity
(Optional) The entity name.
name() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.FieldResult
Name of the persistent field or property of the class.
name() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.ForeignKey
(Optional) The name of the foreign key constraint.
name() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Index
(Optional) The name of the index.
name() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.JoinColumn
(Optional) The name of the foreign key column.
name() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.JoinTable
(Optional) The name of the join table.
name() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.MapKey
(Optional) The name of the persistent field or property of the associated entity that is used as the map key.
name() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.MapKeyColumn
(Optional) The name of the map key column.
name() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.MapKeyJoinColumn
(Optional) The name of the foreign key column for the map key.
name() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.NamedEntityGraph
(Optional) The name used to identify the entity graph in calls to EntityManager.getEntityGraph(String).
name() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.NamedNativeQuery
The name used to identify the query in calls to EntityManager.createNamedQuery(java.lang.String).
name() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.NamedQuery
(Required) The name used to identify the query in calls to EntityManager.createNamedQuery(java.lang.String).
name() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.NamedStoredProcedureQuery
The name used to refer to the query with the EntityManager methods that create stored procedure query objects.
name() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.NamedSubgraph
(Required) The name of the subgraph as referenced from a NamedAttributeNode element.
name() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.OrderColumn
(Optional) The name of the ordering column.
name() - Method in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
The name of the persistence unit, which may be used by the persistence provider for logging and error reporting.
name() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.PersistenceContext
(Optional) The name by which the entity manager is to be accessed in the environment referencing context; not needed when dependency injection is used.
name() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.PersistenceProperty
The name of the property
name() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.PersistenceUnit
(Optional) The name by which the entity manager factory is to be accessed in the environment referencing context; not needed when dependency injection is used.
name() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.PrimaryKeyJoinColumn
(Optional) The name of the primary key column of the current table.
name() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.QueryHint
Name of the hint.
name() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.SecondaryTable
(Required) The name of the table.
name() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.SequenceGenerator
(Optional) A unique generator name that can be referenced by one or more classes to be the generator for primary key values.
name() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.SqlResultSetMapping
The name given to the result set mapping, and used to refer to it in the methods of the Query and StoredProcedureQuery APIs.
name() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.StoredProcedureParameter
The name of the parameter as defined by the stored procedure in the database.
name() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Table
(Optional) The name of the table.
name() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.TableGenerator
(optional) A unique generator name that can be referenced by one or more classes to be the generator for id values.
name() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.UniqueConstraint
(Optional) The name of the constraint.
NamedAttributeNode - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
A NamedAttributeNode is a member element of a NamedEntityGraph.
NamedEntityGraph - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Defines a named entity graph.
NamedEntityGraphs - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Used to group NamedEntityGraph annotations.
NamedNativeQueries - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Declares multiple native SQL named queries.
NamedNativeQuery - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Declares a named native SQL query and, optionally, the mapping of the result of the native SQL query.
NamedQueries - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Declares multiple named Jakarta Persistence query language queries.
NamedQuery - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Declares a named query written in the Jakarta Persistence query language.
NamedStoredProcedureQueries - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies multiple named stored procedure queries.
NamedStoredProcedureQuery - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Declares and names a stored procedure, its parameters, and its result type.
NamedSubgraph - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
A NamedSubgraph is a member element of a NamedEntityGraph.
neg(Expression<N>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that returns the arithmetic negation of its argument.
NO_CONSTRAINT - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.ConstraintMode
Do not apply the constraint.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.criteria.Nulls
Null precedence not specified.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.LockModeType
No lock.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.SharedCacheMode
Caching is disabled for the persistence unit.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.ValidationMode
The persistence provider must not perform lifecycle event validation.
nonJtaDataSource() - Method in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
The JNDI name of a non-JTA javax.sql.DataSource.
nonJtaDataSource(String) - Method in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
Specify the JNDI name of a non-JTA javax.sql.DataSource.
NonUniqueResultException - Exception Class in jakarta.persistence
Thrown by the persistence provider when Query.getSingleResult() or TypedQuery.getSingleResult() is executed and there is more than one result from the query.
NonUniqueResultException() - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.NonUniqueResultException
Constructs a new NonUniqueResultException exception with null as its detail message.
NonUniqueResultException(Exception) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.NonUniqueResultException
Constructs a new NonUniqueResultException exception with null as its detail message.
NonUniqueResultException(String) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.NonUniqueResultException
Constructs a new NonUniqueResultException exception with the specified detail message.
NonUniqueResultException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.NonUniqueResultException
Constructs a new NonUniqueResultException exception with the specified detail message.
NoResultException - Exception Class in jakarta.persistence
Thrown by the persistence provider when Query.getSingleResult() or TypedQuery.getSingleResult() is executed and there is no result to return.
NoResultException() - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.NoResultException
Constructs a new NoResultException exception with null as its detail message.
NoResultException(String) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.NoResultException
Constructs a new NoResultException exception with the specified detail message.
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.PessimisticLockScope
This value defines the default behavior for pessimistic locking.
not() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Predicate
Create a negation of the predicate.
not(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a negation of the given restriction.
NOT_LOADED - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.spi.LoadState
The state of the element is known not to have been loaded.
notEqual(Expression<?>, Expression<?>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate for testing the arguments for inequality.
notEqual(Expression<?>, Object) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate for testing the arguments for inequality.
notEqualTo(Expression<?>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Expression
Create a predicate to test whether the expression is unequal to the argument.
notEqualTo(Object) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Expression
Create a predicate to test whether the expression is unequal to the argument.
notLike(Expression<String>, Expression<String>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate for testing whether the expression does not satisfy the given pattern.
notLike(Expression<String>, Expression<String>, char) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate for testing whether the expression does not satisfy the given pattern.
notLike(Expression<String>, Expression<String>, Expression<Character>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate for testing whether the expression does not satisfy the given pattern.
notLike(Expression<String>, String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate for testing whether the expression does not satisfy the given pattern.
notLike(Expression<String>, String, char) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate for testing whether the expression does not satisfy the given pattern.
notLike(Expression<String>, String, Expression<Character>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate for testing whether the expression does not satisfy the given pattern.
nullable() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Column
(Optional) Whether the database column is nullable.
nullable() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.JoinColumn
(Optional) Whether the foreign key column is nullable.
nullable() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.MapKeyColumn
(Optional) Whether the database column is nullable.
nullable() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.MapKeyJoinColumn
(Optional) Whether the foreign key column is nullable.
nullable() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.OrderColumn
(Optional) Whether the database column is nullable.
nullif(Expression<Y>, Expression<?>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that tests whether its argument are equal, returning null if they are and the value of the first expression if they are not.
nullif(Expression<Y>, Y) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that tests whether its argument are equal, returning null if they are and the value of the first expression if they are not.
nullLiteral(Class<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression for a null literal with the given type.
Nulls - Enum Class in jakarta.persistence.criteria
Specifies the precedence of null values within query result sets.


on(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CollectionJoin
Modify the join to restrict the result according to the specified ON condition and return the join object.
on(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Join
Modify the join to restrict the result according to the specified ON condition and return the join object.
on(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.ListJoin
Modify the join to restrict the result according to the specified ON condition and return the join object.
on(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.MapJoin
Modify the join to restrict the result according to the specified ON condition and return the join object.
on(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.SetJoin
Modify the join to restrict the result according to the specified ON condition and return the join object.
on(Predicate...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CollectionJoin
Modify the join to restrict the result according to the specified ON condition and return the join object.
on(Predicate...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Join
Modify the join to restrict the result according to the specified ON condition and return the join object.
on(Predicate...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.ListJoin
Modify the join to restrict the result according to the specified ON condition and return the join object.
on(Predicate...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.MapJoin
Modify the join to restrict the result according to the specified ON condition and return the join object.
on(Predicate...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.SetJoin
Modify the join to restrict the result according to the specified ON condition and return the join object.
ONE_TO_MANY - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Attribute.PersistentAttributeType
One-to-many association
ONE_TO_ONE - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Attribute.PersistentAttributeType
One-to-one association
OneToMany - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies a many-valued association with one-to-many multiplicity.
OneToOne - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies a single-valued association to another entity class that has one-to-one multiplicity.
OPTIMISTIC - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.LockModeType
Optimistic lock.
OPTIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.LockModeType
Optimistic lock, with version update.
OptimisticLockException - Exception Class in jakarta.persistence
Thrown by the persistence provider when an optimistic locking conflict occurs.
OptimisticLockException() - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.OptimisticLockException
Constructs a new OptimisticLockException exception with null as its detail message.
OptimisticLockException(Object) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.OptimisticLockException
Constructs a new OptimisticLockException exception with the specified entity.
OptimisticLockException(String) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.OptimisticLockException
Constructs a new OptimisticLockException exception with the specified detail message.
OptimisticLockException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.OptimisticLockException
Constructs a new OptimisticLockException exception with the specified detail message and cause.
OptimisticLockException(String, Throwable, Object) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.OptimisticLockException
Constructs a new OptimisticLockException exception with the specified detail message, cause, and entity.
OptimisticLockException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.OptimisticLockException
Constructs a new OptimisticLockException exception with the specified cause.
optional() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Basic
(Optional) Specifies whether the value of the field or property may be null.
optional() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.ManyToOne
(Optional) Whether the association is optional.
optional() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.OneToOne
(Optional) Whether the association is optional.
options() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.CheckConstraint
(Optional) A SQL fragment appended to the generated DDL which creates this constraint.
options() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.CollectionTable
(Optional) A SQL fragment appended to the generated DDL statement which creates this table.
options() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Column
(Optional) A SQL fragment appended to the generated DDL which declares this column.
options() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.DiscriminatorColumn
(Optional) A SQL fragment appended to the generated DDL which declares this column.
options() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.ForeignKey
(Optional) A SQL fragment appended to the generated DDL which creates this foreign key.
options() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Index
(Optional) A SQL fragment appended to the generated DDL which creates this index.
options() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.JoinColumn
(Optional) A SQL fragment appended to the generated DDL which declares this column.
options() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.JoinTable
(Optional) A SQL fragment appended to the generated DDL statement which creates this table.
options() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.MapKeyColumn
(Optional) A SQL fragment appended to the generated DDL which declares this column.
options() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.MapKeyJoinColumn
(Optional) A SQL fragment appended to the generated DDL which declares this column.
options() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.OrderColumn
(Optional) A SQL fragment appended to the generated DDL which declares this column.
options() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.PrimaryKeyJoinColumn
(Optional) A SQL fragment appended to the generated DDL which declares this column.
options() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.SecondaryTable
(Optional) A SQL fragment appended to the generated DDL statement which creates this table.
options() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.SequenceGenerator
(Optional) A SQL fragment appended to the generated DDL statement which creates this sequence.
options() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Table
(Optional) A SQL fragment appended to the generated DDL statement which creates this table.
options() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.TableGenerator
(Optional) A SQL fragment appended to the generated DDL statement which creates this table.
options() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.UniqueConstraint
(Optional) A SQL fragment appended to the generated DDL which creates this constraint.
or(Expression<Boolean>, Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a disjunction of the given boolean expressions.
or(Predicate...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a disjunction of the given restriction predicates.
or(List<Predicate>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a disjunction of the given restriction predicates.
OR - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.criteria.Predicate.BooleanOperator
Order - Interface in jakarta.persistence.criteria
An object that defines an ordering over the query results.
orderBy(Order...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery
Specify the ordering expressions that are used to order the query results.
orderBy(List<Order>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery
Specify the ordering expressions that are used to order the query results.
OrderBy - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies the ordering of the elements of a collection-valued association or element collection at the point when the association or collection is retrieved.
OrderColumn - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies a column that is used to maintain the persistent order of a list.
ORDINAL - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.EnumType
Persist enumerated type property or field as an integer.
orphanRemoval() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.OneToMany
(Optional) Whether to apply the remove operation to entities that have been removed from the relationship and to cascade the remove operation to those entities.
orphanRemoval() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.OneToOne
(Optional) Whether to apply the remove operation to entities that have been removed from the relationship and to cascade the remove operation to those entities.
otherwise(Expression<? extends R>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder.Case
Add an "else" clause to the case expression.
otherwise(Expression<? extends R>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder.SimpleCase
Add an "else" clause to the case expression.
otherwise(R) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder.Case
Add an "else" clause to the case expression.
otherwise(R) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder.SimpleCase
Add an "else" clause to the case expression.
OUT - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.ParameterMode
Stored procedure output parameter


parameter(Class<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a parameter expression.
parameter(Class<T>, String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a parameter expression with the given name.
Parameter<T> - Interface in jakarta.persistence
Type for query parameter objects.
ParameterExpression<T> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.criteria
Type of criteria query parameter expressions.
ParameterMode - Enum Class in jakarta.persistence
Specifies the mode of a parameter of a stored procedure query.
parameters() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.NamedStoredProcedureQuery
Information about all parameters of the stored procedure.
Path<X> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.criteria
Represents a simple or compound attribute path from a bound type or collection, and is a "primitive" expression.
persist(Object) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Make a new entity instance managed and persistent, resulting in its insertion in the database when the persistence context is synchronized with the database, or make a removed entity managed, undoing the effect of a previous call to EntityManager.remove(Object).
PERSIST - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.CascadeType
Cascade the persist operation
Persistence - Class in jakarta.persistence
Bootstrap class used to obtain an EntityManagerFactory in Java SE environments.
Persistence() - Constructor for class jakarta.persistence.Persistence
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This class is not intended to be extended nor instantiated, it is going to be marked final when this constructor becomes hidden.
PERSISTENCE_PROVIDER - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.Persistence
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
TODO: Either change TCK reference to PERSISTENCE_PROVIDER field to expect "jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceProvider" or remove PERSISTENCE_PROVIDER field and also update TCK signature tests.
PersistenceConfiguration - Class in jakarta.persistence
Represents a configuration of a persistence unit, allowing programmatic creation of an EntityManagerFactory.
PersistenceConfiguration(String) - Constructor for class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
Create a new empty configuration.
PersistenceContext - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Expresses a dependency on a container-managed EntityManager and its associated persistence context.
PersistenceContexts - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Declares one or more PersistenceContext annotations.
PersistenceContextType - Enum Class in jakarta.persistence
Specifies whether a transaction-scoped or extended persistence context is to be used in PersistenceContext.
PersistenceException - Exception Class in jakarta.persistence
Thrown by the persistence provider when a problem occurs.
PersistenceException() - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceException
Constructs a new PersistenceException exception with null as its detail message.
PersistenceException(String) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceException
Constructs a new PersistenceException exception with the specified detail message.
PersistenceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceException
Constructs a new PersistenceException exception with the specified detail message and cause.
PersistenceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceException
Constructs a new PersistenceException exception with the specified cause.
PersistenceProperty - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Describes a single container or persistence provider property.
PersistenceProvider - Interface in jakarta.persistence.spi
Interface implemented by the persistence provider.
PersistenceProviderResolver - Interface in jakarta.persistence.spi
Provides a list of persistence providers available in the runtime environment.
PersistenceProviderResolverHolder - Class in jakarta.persistence.spi
Holds the global PersistenceProviderResolver instance.
PersistenceProviderResolverHolder() - Constructor for class jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceProviderResolverHolder
PersistenceUnit - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Expresses a dependency on an EntityManagerFactory and its associated persistence unit.
PersistenceUnitInfo - Interface in jakarta.persistence.spi
Interface implemented by the container and used by the persistence provider when creating an EntityManagerFactory.
PersistenceUnits - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Declares one or more PersistenceUnit annotations.
PersistenceUnitTransactionType - Enum Class in jakarta.persistence
Enumerates the possible approaches to transaction management in Jakarta Persistence.
PersistenceUnitTransactionType - Enum Class in jakarta.persistence.spi
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
PersistenceUnitUtil - Interface in jakarta.persistence
Utility interface between the application and the persistence provider managing the persistence unit.
PersistenceUtil - Interface in jakarta.persistence
Utility interface between the application and the persistence provider(s).
PESSIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.LockModeType
Pessimistic write lock, with version update.
PESSIMISTIC_READ - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.LockModeType
Pessimistic read lock.
PESSIMISTIC_WRITE - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.LockModeType
Pessimistic write lock.
PessimisticLockException - Exception Class in jakarta.persistence
Thrown by the persistence provider when a pessimistic locking conflict occurs.
PessimisticLockException() - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.PessimisticLockException
Constructs a new PessimisticLockException exception with null as its detail message.
PessimisticLockException(Object) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.PessimisticLockException
Constructs a new PessimisticLockException exception with the specified entity.
PessimisticLockException(String) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.PessimisticLockException
Constructs a new PessimisticLockException exception with the specified detail message.
PessimisticLockException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.PessimisticLockException
Constructs a new PessimisticLockException exception with the specified detail message and cause.
PessimisticLockException(String, Throwable, Object) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.PessimisticLockException
Constructs a new PessimisticLockException exception with the specified detail message, cause, and entity.
PessimisticLockException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.PessimisticLockException
Constructs a new PessimisticLockException exception with the specified cause.
PessimisticLockScope - Enum Class in jakarta.persistence
Defines the values of the jakarta.persistence.lock.scope property for pessimistic locking.
pkColumnName() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.TableGenerator
(Optional) Name of the primary key column in the table.
pkColumnValue() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.TableGenerator
(Optional) The primary key value in the generator table that distinguishes this set of generated values from others that may be stored in the table.
pkJoinColumns() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.SecondaryTable
(Optional) The columns that are used to join with the primary table.
PLURAL_ATTRIBUTE - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Bindable.BindableType
Multivalued attribute type, that is, a collection.
PluralAttribute<X,C,E> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.metamodel
Instances of the type PluralAttribute represent persistent collection-valued attributes.
PluralAttribute.CollectionType - Enum Class in jakarta.persistence.metamodel
PluralJoin<Z,C,E> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.criteria
The PluralJoin interface defines functionality that is common to joins to all collection types.
PostLoad - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies a callback method for the corresponding lifecycle event.
PostPersist - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies a callback method for the corresponding lifecycle event.
PostRemove - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies a callback method for the corresponding lifecycle event.
PostUpdate - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies a callback method for the corresponding lifecycle event.
power(Expression<? extends Number>, Expression<? extends Number>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that returns the first argument raised to the power of its second argument.
power(Expression<? extends Number>, Number) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that returns the first argument raised to the power of its second argument.
precision() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Column
(Optional) The precision for a decimal (exact numeric) column.
precision() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.MapKeyColumn
(Optional) The precision for a decimal (exact numeric) column.
Predicate - Interface in jakarta.persistence.criteria
The type of a simple or compound predicate: a conjunction or disjunction of restrictions.
Predicate.BooleanOperator - Enum Class in jakarta.persistence.criteria
PrePersist - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies a callback method for the corresponding lifecycle event.
PreRemove - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies a callback method for the corresponding lifecycle event.
PreUpdate - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies a callback method for the corresponding lifecycle event.
PrimaryKeyJoinColumn - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies a primary key column that is used as a foreign key to join to another table.
PrimaryKeyJoinColumns - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Groups PrimaryKeyJoinColumn annotations.
procedureName() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.NamedStoredProcedureQuery
The name of the stored procedure in the database.
prod(Expression<? extends N>, Expression<? extends N>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that returns the product of its arguments.
prod(Expression<? extends N>, N) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that returns the product of its arguments.
prod(N, Expression<? extends N>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that returns the product of its arguments.
properties() - Method in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
Standard and vendor-specific property settings.
properties() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.PersistenceContext
(Optional) Properties for the container or persistence provider.
properties(Map<String, ?>) - Method in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
Set multiple properties of this persistence unit.
property(String, Object) - Method in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
Set a property of this persistence unit.
PROPERTY - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.AccessType
Property-based access is used, that is, state is accessed via getter and setter methods.
provider() - Method in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
The fully-qualified name of a concrete class implementing PersistenceProvider.
provider(String) - Method in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
Specify the persistence provider.
PROVIDER_DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.ConstraintMode
Use the provider-defined default behavior.
providers - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.Persistence
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. 
ProviderUtil - Interface in jakarta.persistence.spi
Utility interface implemented by the persistence provider.


QUARTER - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.criteria.LocalDateField
The calendar quarter, numbered from 1 to 4.
QUARTER - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.criteria.LocalDateTimeField
The calendar quarter, numbered from 1 to 4.
query() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.NamedNativeQuery
The native SQL query string.
query() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.NamedQuery
(Required) The query string in the Jakarta Persistence query language.
Query - Interface in jakarta.persistence
Interface used to control query execution.
QUERY_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
Default query timeout hint.
QueryHint - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Used to supply a query property or hint to the NamedQuery or NamedNativeQuery annotation.
QueryTimeoutException - Exception Class in jakarta.persistence
Thrown by the persistence provider when a query times out and only the statement is rolled back.
QueryTimeoutException() - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.QueryTimeoutException
Constructs a new QueryTimeoutException exception with null as its detail message.
QueryTimeoutException(Query) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.QueryTimeoutException
Constructs a new QueryTimeoutException exception with the specified query.
QueryTimeoutException(String) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.QueryTimeoutException
Constructs a new QueryTimeoutException exception with the specified detail message.
QueryTimeoutException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.QueryTimeoutException
Constructs a new QueryTimeoutException exception with the specified detail message and cause.
QueryTimeoutException(String, Throwable, Query) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.QueryTimeoutException
Constructs a new QueryTimeoutException exception with the specified detail message, cause, and query.
QueryTimeoutException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.QueryTimeoutException
Constructs a new QueryTimeoutException exception with the specified cause.
quot(Expression<? extends Number>, Expression<? extends Number>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that returns the quotient of its arguments.
quot(Expression<? extends Number>, Number) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that returns the quotient of its arguments.
quot(Number, Expression<? extends Number>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that returns the quotient of its arguments.


READ - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.LockModeType
Synonymous with LockModeType.OPTIMISTIC.
REF_CURSOR - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.ParameterMode
Stored procedure reference cursor parameter.
referencedColumnName() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.JoinColumn
(Optional) The name of the column referenced by this foreign key column.
referencedColumnName() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.MapKeyJoinColumn
(Optional) The name of the column referenced by this foreign key column.
referencedColumnName() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.PrimaryKeyJoinColumn
(Optional) The name of the primary key column of the table being joined to.
refresh(Object) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Refresh the state of the given managed entity instance from the database, overwriting unflushed changes made to the entity, if any.
refresh(Object, LockModeType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Refresh the state of the given managed entity instance from the database, overwriting unflushed changes made to the entity, if any, and obtain the given lock mode.
refresh(Object, LockModeType, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Refresh the state of the given managed entity instance from the database, overwriting unflushed changes made to the entity, if any, and obtain the given lock mode, using the specified properties.
refresh(Object, RefreshOption...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Refresh the state of the given managed entity instance from the database, using the specified options, overwriting changes made to the entity, if any.
refresh(Object, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Refresh the state of the given managed entity instance from the database, using the specified properties, and overwriting unflushed changes made to the entity, if any.
REFRESH - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.CacheStoreMode
Insert/update entity data held in the cache when read from the database and when written to the database.
REFRESH - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.CascadeType
Cascade the refresh operation
RefreshOption - Interface in jakarta.persistence
An option influencing the behavior of EntityManager.refresh(java.lang.Object).
registerStoredProcedureParameter(int, Class<?>, ParameterMode) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.StoredProcedureQuery
Register a positional parameter.
registerStoredProcedureParameter(String, Class<?>, ParameterMode) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.StoredProcedureQuery
Register a named parameter.
remove(Object) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Mark a managed entity instance as removed, resulting in its deletion from the database when the persistence context is synchronized with the database.
REMOVE - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.CascadeType
Cascade the remove operation
removeAttributeNode(Attribute<? super T, ?>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Graph
Remove an attribute node from the entity graph.
removeAttributeNode(String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Graph
Remove an attribute node from the entity graph.
removeAttributeNodes(Attribute.PersistentAttributeType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Graph
Remove all attribute nodes of the given attribute types.
replace(Expression<String>, Expression<String>, Expression<String>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression replacing every occurrence of a substring within a string.
replace(Expression<String>, Expression<String>, String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression replacing every occurrence of a substring within a string.
replace(Expression<String>, String, Expression<String>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression replacing every occurrence of a substring within a string.
replace(Expression<String>, String, String) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression replacing every occurrence of a substring within a string.
RESOURCE_LOCAL - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceUnitTransactionType
Resource-local transaction management.
RESOURCE_LOCAL - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitTransactionType
Resource-local entity managers are created.
resultClass() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.NamedNativeQuery
The class of each query result.
resultClass() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.NamedQuery
(Optional) The class of each query result.
resultClasses() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.NamedStoredProcedureQuery
The class or classes that are used to map the results.
resultSetMapping() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.NamedNativeQuery
The name of a SqlResultSetMapping, as defined in metadata.
resultSetMappings() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.NamedStoredProcedureQuery
The names of one or more result set mappings, as defined in metadata.
reverse() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Order
Switch the ordering.
right(Expression<String>, int) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression for the rightmost substring of a string,
right(Expression<String>, Expression<Integer>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression for the rightmost substring of a string,
RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.criteria.JoinType
Right outer join.
rollback() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityTransaction
Roll back the current resource transaction.
RollbackException - Exception Class in jakarta.persistence
Thrown by the persistence provider when EntityTransaction.commit() fails.
RollbackException() - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.RollbackException
Constructs a new RollbackException exception with null as its detail message.
RollbackException(String) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.RollbackException
Constructs a new RollbackException exception with the specified detail message.
RollbackException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.RollbackException
Constructs a new RollbackException exception with the specified detail message and cause.
RollbackException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.RollbackException
Constructs a new RollbackException exception with the specified cause.
Root<X> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.criteria
A root type in the from clause.
round(Expression<T>, Integer) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that returns the first argument rounded to the number of decimal places given by the second argument.
runInTransaction(Consumer<EntityManager>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManagerFactory
Create a new application-managed EntityManager with an active transaction, and execute the given function, passing the EntityManager to the function.
runWithConnection(ConnectionConsumer<C>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Execute the given action using the database connection underlying this EntityManager.


s(int) - Static method in class jakarta.persistence.Timeout
Specify a timeout in seconds.
scale() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Column
(Optional) The scale for a decimal (exact numeric) column.
scale() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.MapKeyColumn
(Optional) The scale for a decimal (exact numeric) column.
schema() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.CollectionTable
(Optional) The schema of the table.
schema() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.JoinTable
(Optional) The schema of the table.
schema() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.SecondaryTable
(Optional) The schema of the table.
schema() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.SequenceGenerator
(Optional) The schema of the sequence generator.
schema() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Table
(Optional) The schema of the table.
schema() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.TableGenerator
(Optional) The schema of the table.
SCHEMAGEN_CREATE_SCRIPT_SOURCE - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
An application-provided SQL script to be executed when the schema is created.
SCHEMAGEN_CREATE_SOURCE - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
The source of artifacts to be created.
SCHEMAGEN_CREATE_TARGET - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
The provider-generated SQL script which creates the schema when "jakarta.persistence.schema-generation.scripts.action" is set.
SCHEMAGEN_DATABASE_ACTION - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
The action to be performed against the database.
SCHEMAGEN_DROP_SCRIPT_SOURCE - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
An application-provided SQL script to be executed when the schema is dropped.
SCHEMAGEN_DROP_SOURCE - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
The source of artifacts to be dropped.
SCHEMAGEN_DROP_TARGET - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
The provider-generated SQL script which drops the schema when "jakarta.persistence.schema-generation.scripts.action" is set.
SCHEMAGEN_SCRIPTS_ACTION - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
The action to be generated as a SQL script.
SchemaManager - Interface in jakarta.persistence
Allows programmatic schema creation, schema validation, data cleanup, and schema cleanup for entities belonging to a certain persistence unit.
SchemaValidationException - Exception Class in jakarta.persistence
Thrown when schema validation fails.
SchemaValidationException(String, Exception...) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.SchemaValidationException
Constructs a new instance with a message and, optionally, an array of exceptions, each representing a problem detected while validating the schema.
SECOND - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.criteria.LocalDateTimeField
The second of the minute, numbered from 0 to 59, including a fractional part representing fractions of a second
SECOND - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.criteria.LocalTimeField
The second of the minute, numbered from 0 to 59, including a fractional part representing fractions of a second
SecondaryTable - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies a secondary table for the annotated entity class.
SecondaryTables - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies multiple secondary tables for an entity.
seconds(int) - Static method in class jakarta.persistence.Timeout
Specify a timeout in seconds.
select(Expression<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Subquery
Specify the item that is to be returned as the subquery result.
select(Selection<? extends T>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery
Specify the item that is to be returned in the query result.
selectCase() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a general case expression.
selectCase(Expression<? extends C>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a simple case expression.
Selection<X> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.criteria
The Selection interface defines an item that is to be returned in a query result.
SEQUENCE - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.GenerationType
Indicates that the persistence provider must assign primary keys for the entity using a database sequence.
SequenceGenerator - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Defines a primary key generator that may be referenced by name when a generator element is specified for the GeneratedValue annotation.
SequenceGenerators - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Used to group SequenceGenerator annotations.
sequenceName() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.SequenceGenerator
(Optional) The name of the database sequence object from which to obtain primary key values.
set(Path<Y>, Expression<? extends Y>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaUpdate
Update the value of the specified attribute.
set(Path<Y>, X) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaUpdate
Update the value of the specified attribute.
set(SingularAttribute<? super T, Y>, Expression<? extends Y>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaUpdate
Update the value of the specified attribute.
set(SingularAttribute<? super T, Y>, X) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaUpdate
Update the value of the specified attribute.
set(String, Object) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaUpdate
Update the value of the specified attribute.
SET - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.metamodel.PluralAttribute.CollectionType
Set-valued attribute
SetAttribute<X,E> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.metamodel
Instances of the type SetAttribute represent persistent Set-valued attributes.
setCacheRetrieveMode(CacheRetrieveMode) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Set the default cache retrieval mode for this persistence context.
setCacheRetrieveMode(CacheRetrieveMode) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
Set the cache retrieval mode that is in effect during query execution.
setCacheRetrieveMode(CacheRetrieveMode) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.StoredProcedureQuery
Set the cache retrieval mode that is in effect during query execution.
setCacheRetrieveMode(CacheRetrieveMode) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.TypedQuery
Set the cache retrieval mode that is in effect during query execution.
setCacheStoreMode(CacheStoreMode) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Set the default cache storage mode for this persistence context.
setCacheStoreMode(CacheStoreMode) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
Set the cache storage mode that is in effect during query execution.
setCacheStoreMode(CacheStoreMode) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.StoredProcedureQuery
Set the cache storage mode that is in effect during query execution.
setCacheStoreMode(CacheStoreMode) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.TypedQuery
Set the cache storage mode that is in effect during query execution.
setFirstResult(int) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
Set the position of the first result to retrieve.
setFirstResult(int) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.TypedQuery
Set the position of the first result to retrieve.
setFlushMode(FlushModeType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Set the flush mode that applies to all objects contained in the persistence context.
setFlushMode(FlushModeType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
Set the flush mode type to be used for the query execution.
setFlushMode(FlushModeType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.StoredProcedureQuery
Set the flush mode type to be used for the query execution.
setFlushMode(FlushModeType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.TypedQuery
Set the flush mode type to be used for the query execution.
setHint(String, Object) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
Set a query property or hint.
setHint(String, Object) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.StoredProcedureQuery
Set a query property or hint.
setHint(String, Object) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.TypedQuery
Set a query property or hint.
SetJoin<Z,E> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.criteria
The SetJoin interface is the type of the result of joining to a collection over an association or element collection that has been specified as a Set.
setLockMode(LockModeType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
Set the lock mode type to be used for the query execution.
setLockMode(LockModeType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.TypedQuery
Set the lock mode type to be used for the query execution.
setMaxResults(int) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
Set the maximum number of results to retrieve.
setMaxResults(int) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.TypedQuery
Set the maximum number of results to retrieve.
setParameter(int, Object) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
Bind an argument value to a positional parameter.
setParameter(int, Object) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.StoredProcedureQuery
Bind an argument value to a positional parameter.
setParameter(int, Object) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.TypedQuery
Bind an argument value to a positional parameter.
setParameter(int, Calendar, TemporalType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
Newly-written code should use the date/time types defined in java.time.
setParameter(int, Calendar, TemporalType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.StoredProcedureQuery
Newly-written code should use the date/time types defined in java.time.
setParameter(int, Calendar, TemporalType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.TypedQuery
Newly-written code should use the date/time types defined in java.time.
setParameter(int, Date, TemporalType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
Newly-written code should use the date/time types defined in java.time.
setParameter(int, Date, TemporalType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.StoredProcedureQuery
Newly-written code should use the date/time types defined in java.time.
setParameter(int, Date, TemporalType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.TypedQuery
Newly-written code should use the date/time types defined in java.time.
setParameter(Parameter<Calendar>, Calendar, TemporalType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
Newly-written code should use the date/time types defined in java.time.
setParameter(Parameter<Calendar>, Calendar, TemporalType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.StoredProcedureQuery
Newly-written code should use the date/time types defined in java.time.
setParameter(Parameter<Calendar>, Calendar, TemporalType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.TypedQuery
Newly-written code should use the date/time types defined in java.time.
setParameter(Parameter<Date>, Date, TemporalType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
Newly-written code should use the date/time types defined in java.time.
setParameter(Parameter<Date>, Date, TemporalType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.StoredProcedureQuery
Newly-written code should use the date/time types defined in java.time.
setParameter(Parameter<Date>, Date, TemporalType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.TypedQuery
Newly-written code should use the date/time types defined in java.time.
setParameter(Parameter<T>, T) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
Bind the value of a Parameter object.
setParameter(Parameter<T>, T) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.StoredProcedureQuery
Bind the value of a Parameter object.
setParameter(Parameter<T>, T) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.TypedQuery
Bind the value of a Parameter object.
setParameter(String, Object) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
Bind an argument value to a named parameter.
setParameter(String, Object) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.StoredProcedureQuery
Bind an argument value to a named parameter.
setParameter(String, Object) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.TypedQuery
Bind an argument value to a named parameter.
setParameter(String, Calendar, TemporalType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
Newly-written code should use the date/time types defined in java.time.
setParameter(String, Calendar, TemporalType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.StoredProcedureQuery
Newly-written code should use the date/time types defined in java.time.
setParameter(String, Calendar, TemporalType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.TypedQuery
Newly-written code should use the date/time types defined in java.time.
setParameter(String, Date, TemporalType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
Newly-written code should use the date/time types defined in java.time.
setParameter(String, Date, TemporalType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.StoredProcedureQuery
Newly-written code should use the date/time types defined in java.time.
setParameter(String, Date, TemporalType) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.TypedQuery
Newly-written code should use the date/time types defined in java.time.
setPersistenceProviderResolver(PersistenceProviderResolver) - Static method in class jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceProviderResolverHolder
Defines the persistence provider resolver used.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Set an entity manager property or hint.
setRollbackOnly() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityTransaction
Mark the current resource transaction so that the only possible outcome of the transaction is for the transaction to be rolled back.
setTimeout(Integer) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
Set the query timeout.
setTimeout(Integer) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.StoredProcedureQuery
Set the query timeout.
setTimeout(Integer) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.TypedQuery
Set the query timeout.
sharedCacheMode() - Method in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
The shared cache mode.
sharedCacheMode(SharedCacheMode) - Method in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
Specify the shared cache mode for the persistence unit.
SharedCacheMode - Enum Class in jakarta.persistence
Specifies how the provider must use a second-level cache for the persistence unit.
sign(Expression<? extends Number>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that returns the sign of its argument, that is, 1 if its argument is positive, -1 if its argument is negative, or 0 if its argument is exactly zero.
SINGLE_TABLE - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.InheritanceType
A single table for each entity class hierarchy.
SINGULAR_ATTRIBUTE - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Bindable.BindableType
Single-valued attribute type.
SingularAttribute<X,T> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.metamodel
Instances of the type SingularAttribute represents persistent single-valued properties or fields.
size(C) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that tests the size of a collection.
size(Expression<C>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that tests the size of a collection.
some(Subquery<Y>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a some expression over the subquery results.
SqlResultSetMapping - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies a mapping of the columns of a result set of a native SQL query or stored procedure.
SqlResultSetMappings - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Used to define one or more SqlResultSetMapping annotations.
sqrt(Expression<? extends Number>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that returns the square root of its argument.
StaticMetamodel - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence.metamodel
The StaticMetamodel annotation specifies that the class is a metamodel class that represents the entity, mapped superclass, or embeddable class designated by the StaticMetamodel.value() element.
StoredProcedureParameter - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Declares a parameter of a named stored procedure query.
StoredProcedureQuery - Interface in jakarta.persistence
Interface used to control stored procedure query execution.
strategy() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.GeneratedValue
(Optional) The primary key generation strategy that the persistence provider must use to generate the annotated entity primary key.
strategy() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Inheritance
The inheritance mapping strategy for the entity inheritance hierarchy.
STRING - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.DiscriminatorType
String as the discriminator type.
STRING - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.EnumType
Persist enumerated type property or field as a string.
subclassSubgraphs() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.NamedEntityGraph
(Optional) A list of subgraphs that will add additional attributes for subclasses of the annotated entity class to the entity graph.
subgraph() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.NamedAttributeNode
(Optional) If the attribute references a managed type that has its own AttributeNodes, this element is used to refer to that NamedSubgraph definition.
Subgraph<T> - Interface in jakarta.persistence
This type represents a subgraph for an attribute node that corresponds to a managed type.
subgraphs() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.NamedEntityGraph
(Optional) A list of subgraphs that are included in the entity graph.
subquery(EntityType<U>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CommonAbstractCriteria
Create a subquery of the query.
subquery(Class<U>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CommonAbstractCriteria
Create a subquery of the query.
Subquery<T> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.criteria
The Subquery interface defines functionality that is specific to subqueries.
substring(Expression<String>, int) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression for substring extraction.
substring(Expression<String>, int, int) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression for substring extraction.
substring(Expression<String>, Expression<Integer>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression for substring extraction.
substring(Expression<String>, Expression<Integer>, Expression<Integer>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression for substring extraction.
sum(Expression<? extends N>, Expression<? extends N>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that returns the sum of its arguments.
sum(Expression<? extends N>, N) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that returns the sum of its arguments.
sum(Expression<N>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an aggregate expression applying the sum operation.
sum(N, Expression<? extends N>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that returns the sum of its arguments.
sumAsDouble(Expression<Float>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an aggregate expression applying the sum operation to a Float-valued expression, returning a Double result.
sumAsLong(Expression<Integer>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an aggregate expression applying the sum operation to an Integer-valued expression, returning a Long result.
synchronization() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.PersistenceContext
(Optional) Specifies whether the persistence context is always automatically synchronized with the current transaction or whether the persistence context must be explicitly joined to the current transaction by means of the EntityManager.joinTransaction() method.
SynchronizationType - Enum Class in jakarta.persistence
Specifies whether the persistence context is always automatically synchronized with the current transaction or whether the persistence context must be explicitly joined to the current transaction by means of the EntityManager.joinTransaction() method.
SYNCHRONIZED - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.SynchronizationType
Persistence context is automatically synchronized with the current transaction


table() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Column
(Optional) The name of the table that contains the column.
table() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.JoinColumn
(Optional) The name of the table that contains the column.
table() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.MapKeyColumn
(Optional) The name of the table that contains the column.
table() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.MapKeyJoinColumn
(Optional) The name of the table that contains the foreign key column.
table() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.TableGenerator
(Optional) Name of the table that stores the generated id values.
Table - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies the primary table mapped by the annotated entity type.
TABLE - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.GenerationType
Indicates that the persistence provider must assign primary keys for the entity using an underlying database table to ensure uniqueness.
TABLE_PER_CLASS - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.InheritanceType
A table for each concrete entity class.
TableGenerator - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Defines a primary key generator that may be referenced by name when a generator element is specified for the GeneratedValue annotation.
TableGenerators - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Used to group TableGenerator annotations.
targetClass() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.ConstructorResult
(Required) The class whose constructor is to be invoked.
targetClass() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.ElementCollection
(Optional) The basic or embeddable class that is the element type of the collection.
targetEntity() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.ManyToMany
(Optional) The entity class that is the target of the association.
targetEntity() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.ManyToOne
(Optional) The entity class that is the target of the association.
targetEntity() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.OneToMany
(Optional) The entity class that is the target of the association.
targetEntity() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.OneToOne
(Optional) The entity class that is the target of the association.
Temporal - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Newly-written code should use the date/time types defined in java.time.
TemporalField<N,T extends Temporal> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.criteria
Each instance represents a type of field which can be extracted from a date, time, or datetime.
TemporalType - Enum Class in jakarta.persistence
Newly-written code should use the date/time types defined in java.time.
TIME - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.TemporalType
Map as java.sql.Time
TIME - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.criteria.LocalDateTimeField
The time part of a datetime.
Timeout - Class in jakarta.persistence
Specifies a timeout for a database request.
TIMESTAMP - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.TemporalType
Map as java.sql.Timestamp
toArray() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Tuple
Return the values of the result tuple elements as an array.
toBigDecimal(Expression<? extends Number>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
toBigInteger(Expression<? extends Number>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
toDouble(Expression<? extends Number>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
toFloat(Expression<? extends Number>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
toInteger(Expression<? extends Number>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
toLong(Expression<? extends Number>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
toString() - Method in class jakarta.persistence.criteria.LocalDateField
toString() - Method in class jakarta.persistence.criteria.LocalDateTimeField
toString() - Method in class jakarta.persistence.criteria.LocalTimeField
toString(Expression<Character>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
TRAILING - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder.Trimspec
Trim from trailing end.
TRANSACTION - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceContextType
Transaction-scoped persistence context
TransactionRequiredException - Exception Class in jakarta.persistence
Thrown by the persistence provider when a transaction is required but is not active.
TransactionRequiredException() - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.TransactionRequiredException
Constructs a new TransactionRequiredException exception with null as its detail message.
TransactionRequiredException(Exception) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.TransactionRequiredException
Constructs a new TransactionRequiredException exception with null as its detail message.
TransactionRequiredException(String) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.TransactionRequiredException
Constructs a new TransactionRequiredException exception with the specified detail message.
TransactionRequiredException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.TransactionRequiredException
Constructs a new TransactionRequiredException exception with the specified detail message.
transactionType() - Method in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
transactionType(PersistenceUnitTransactionType) - Method in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
Specify the transaction type for the persistence unit.
transform(ClassLoader, String, Class<?>, ProtectionDomain, byte[]) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.spi.ClassTransformer
Invoked when a class is being loaded or redefined.
TransformerException - Exception Class in jakarta.persistence.spi
Thrown by the persistence provider when a problem during class re-definition occurs.
TransformerException() - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.spi.TransformerException
Constructs a new TransformerException exception with null as its detail message.
TransformerException(String) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.spi.TransformerException
Constructs a new TransformerException exception with the specified detail message.
TransformerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.spi.TransformerException
Constructs a new TransformerException exception with the specified detail message and cause.
TransformerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.spi.TransformerException
Constructs a new TransformerException exception with the specified cause.
Transient - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies that the annotated property or field is not persistent.
treat(CollectionJoin<X, T>, Class<E>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Downcast CollectionJoin object to the specified type.
treat(Join<X, T>, Class<V>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Downcast Join object to the specified type.
treat(ListJoin<X, T>, Class<E>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Downcast ListJoin object to the specified type.
treat(MapJoin<X, K, T>, Class<V>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Downcast MapJoin object to the specified type.
treat(Path<X>, Class<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Downcast Path object to the specified type.
treat(Root<X>, Class<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Downcast Root object to the specified type.
treat(SetJoin<X, T>, Class<E>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Downcast SetJoin object to the specified type.
trim(char, Expression<String>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create expression to trim character from both ends of a string.
trim(CriteriaBuilder.Trimspec, char, Expression<String>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create expression to trim character from a string.
trim(CriteriaBuilder.Trimspec, Expression<Character>, Expression<String>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create expression to trim character from a string.
trim(CriteriaBuilder.Trimspec, Expression<String>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create expression to trim blanks from a string.
trim(Expression<Character>, Expression<String>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create expression to trim character from both ends of a string.
trim(Expression<String>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create expression to trim blanks from both ends of a string.
truncate() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.SchemaManager
Truncate the database tables mapped by entities belonging to the persistence unit, and then re-import initial data from any configured SQL scripts for data loading.
tuple(Selection<?>...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a tuple-valued selection item.
tuple(List<Selection<?>>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a tuple-valued selection item.
Tuple - Interface in jakarta.persistence
Interface for extracting the elements of a query result tuple.
TupleElement<X> - Interface in jakarta.persistence
The TupleElement interface defines an element that is returned in a query result tuple.
type() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.ColumnResult
(Optional) The Java type to which the column type is to be mapped.
type() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Path
Create an expression corresponding to the type of the path.
type() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.NamedSubgraph
(Optional) The type represented by this subgraph.
type() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.PersistenceContext
(Optional) Specifies whether a transaction-scoped persistence context or an extended persistence context is to be used.
type() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.StoredProcedureParameter
JDBC type of the parameter.
Type<X> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.metamodel
An instance of the type Type represents a persistent object or attribute type.
Type.PersistenceType - Enum Class in jakarta.persistence.metamodel
TypedQuery<X> - Interface in jakarta.persistence
Interface used to control the execution of typed queries.
TypedQueryReference<R> - Interface in jakarta.persistence
A reference to a named query declared via the NamedQuery or NamedNativeQuery annotations.


union(CriteriaSelect<? extends T>, CriteriaSelect<? extends T>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a query which is the union of the given queries.
unionAll(CriteriaSelect<? extends T>, CriteriaSelect<? extends T>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a query which is the union of the given queries, without elimination of duplicate results.
unique() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Column
(Optional) Whether the column is a unique key.
unique() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Index
(Optional) Whether the index is unique.
unique() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.JoinColumn
(Optional) Whether the property is a unique key.
unique() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.MapKeyColumn
(Optional) Whether the column is a unique key.
unique() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.MapKeyJoinColumn
(Optional) Whether the property is a unique key.
UniqueConstraint - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies that a unique constraint is to be included in the generated DDL for a primary or secondary table.
uniqueConstraints() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.CollectionTable
(Optional) Unique constraints that are to be placed on the table.
uniqueConstraints() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.JoinTable
(Optional) Unique constraints to be placed on the table.
uniqueConstraints() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.SecondaryTable
(Optional) Unique constraints that are to be placed on the table.
uniqueConstraints() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Table
(Optional) Unique constraints to be placed on the table.
uniqueConstraints() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.TableGenerator
(Optional) Unique constraints that are to be placed on the table.
unitName() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.PersistenceContext
(Optional) The name of the persistence unit as defined in the persistence.xml file.
unitName() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.PersistenceUnit
(Optional) The name of the persistence unit as defined in the persistence.xml file.
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.spi.LoadState
The load state of the element cannot be determined.
UNSPECIFIED - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.SharedCacheMode
Caching behavior is undefined: provider-specific defaults may apply.
UNSYNCHRONIZED - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.SynchronizationType
Persistence context must be explicitly joined to the current transaction
unwrap(Class<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Cache
Return an object of the specified type to allow access to the provider-specific API.
unwrap(Class<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Return an object of the specified type to allow access to a provider-specific API.
unwrap(Class<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManagerFactory
Return an object of the specified type to allow access to a provider-specific API.
unwrap(Class<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.Query
Return an object of the specified type to allow access to a provider-specific API.
updatable() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Column
(Optional) Whether the column is included in SQL UPDATE statements generated by the persistence provider.
updatable() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.JoinColumn
(Optional) Whether the column is included in SQL UPDATE statements generated by the persistence provider.
updatable() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.MapKeyColumn
(Optional) Whether the column is included in SQL UPDATE statements generated by the persistence provider.
updatable() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.MapKeyJoinColumn
(Optional) Whether the column is included in SQL UPDATE statements generated by the persistence provider.
updatable() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.OrderColumn
(Optional) Whether the column is included in SQL UPDATE statements generated by the persistence provider.
upper(Expression<String>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create expression for converting a string to uppercase.
USE - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.CacheRetrieveMode
Read entity data from the cache: this is the default behavior.
USE - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.CacheStoreMode
Insert entity data into cache when read from database and insert/update entity data when written to the database: this is the default behavior.
UUID - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.GenerationType
Indicates that the persistence provider must assign primary keys for the entity by generating an RFC 4122 Universally Unique IDentifier.


validate() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.SchemaManager
Validate that the database objects mapped by entities belonging to the persistence unit have the expected definitions.
VALIDATION_FACTORY - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
An instance of jakarta.validation.ValidatorFactory,
VALIDATION_GROUP_PRE_PERSIST - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
Target groups for validation at PrePersist.
VALIDATION_GROUP_PRE_REMOVE - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
Target groups for validation at PreRemove.
VALIDATION_GROUP_PRE_UPDATE - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
Target groups for validation at PreUpdate.
validationMode() - Method in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
The validation mode, ValidationMode.AUTO by default.
validationMode(ValidationMode) - Method in class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration
Specify the validation mode for the persistence unit.
ValidationMode - Enum Class in jakarta.persistence
The validation mode to be used by the provider for the persistence unit.
value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Access
(Required) Specification of field- or property-based access.
value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.AssociationOverrides
(Required) The association override mappings that are to be applied to the relationship field or property.
value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.AttributeOverrides
(Required) One or more field or property mapping overrides.
value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Cacheable
(Optional) Whether or not the entity should be cached.
value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Converts
The Convert mappings that are to be applied.
value() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.MapJoin
Create a path expression that corresponds to the map value.
value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.DiscriminatorValue
(Optional) The value that indicates that the row is an entity of the annotated entity type.
value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.EntityListeners
The callback listener classes
value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Enumerated
(Optional) The type used in mapping an enum type.
value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.ForeignKey
(Optional) Used to specify whether a foreign key constraint should be generated when schema generation is in effect.
value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.IdClass
The primary key class, which must declare fields or properties with names and types that match the Id fields and properties of the annotated entity class.
value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.JoinColumns
The join columns that map the relationship.
value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.MapKeyClass
(Required) The type of the map key.
value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.MapKeyEnumerated
(Optional) The type used in mapping a map key enum type.
value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.MapKeyJoinColumns
(Required) The map key join columns that are used to map to the entity that is the map key.
value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.MapKeyTemporal
(Required) The type used in mapping java.util.Date or java.util.Calendar.
value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.MapsId
(Optional) The name of the attribute within the composite key to which the relationship attribute corresponds.
value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.metamodel.StaticMetamodel
Class being modelled by the annotated class.
value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.NamedAttributeNode
(Required) The name of the attribute that must be included in the graph.
value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.NamedEntityGraphs
value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.NamedNativeQueries
(Required) Array of NamedNativeQuery annotations.
value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.NamedQueries
(Required) An array of NamedQuery annotations.
value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.NamedStoredProcedureQueries
(Required) Array of NamedStoredProcedureQuery annotations.
value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.OrderBy
An orderby_list.
value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.PersistenceContexts
(Required) One or more PersistenceContext annotations.
value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.PersistenceProperty
The value of the property
value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.PersistenceUnits
(Required) One or more PersistenceUnit annotations.
value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.PrimaryKeyJoinColumns
One or more PrimaryKeyJoinColumn annotations.
value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.QueryHint
Value of the hint.
value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.SecondaryTables
(Required) The secondary tables for an entity.
value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.SequenceGenerators
value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.SqlResultSetMappings
One or more SqlResultSetMapping annotations.
value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.TableGenerators
value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Temporal
The type used in mapping Date or Calendar.
value(Expression<? extends T>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder.Coalesce
Add an argument to the coalesce expression.
value(Expression<? extends T>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder.In
Add to list of values to be tested against.
value(T) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder.Coalesce
Add an argument to the coalesce expression.
value(T) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder.In
Add to list of values to be tested against.
valueColumnName() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.TableGenerator
(Optional) Name of the column that stores the last value generated.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.AccessType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.CacheRetrieveMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.CacheStoreMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.CascadeType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.ConstraintMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder.Trimspec
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.criteria.JoinType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.criteria.Nulls
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.criteria.Predicate.BooleanOperator
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.DiscriminatorType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.EnumType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.FetchType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.FlushModeType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.GenerationType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.InheritanceType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.LockModeType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Attribute.PersistentAttributeType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Bindable.BindableType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.metamodel.PluralAttribute.CollectionType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Type.PersistenceType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.ParameterMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceContextType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceUnitTransactionType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.PessimisticLockScope
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.SharedCacheMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.spi.LoadState
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitTransactionType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.SynchronizationType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.TemporalType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.ValidationMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.AccessType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.CacheRetrieveMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.CacheStoreMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.CascadeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.ConstraintMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder.Trimspec
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.criteria.JoinType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.criteria.Nulls
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.criteria.Predicate.BooleanOperator
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.DiscriminatorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.EnumType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.FetchType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.FlushModeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.GenerationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.InheritanceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.LockModeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Attribute.PersistentAttributeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Bindable.BindableType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.metamodel.PluralAttribute.CollectionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Type.PersistenceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.ParameterMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceContextType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.PersistenceUnitTransactionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.PessimisticLockScope
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.SharedCacheMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.spi.LoadState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitTransactionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.SynchronizationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.TemporalType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class jakarta.persistence.ValidationMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values(M) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that returns the values of a map.
Version - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies the version field or property of an entity class that is used to detect optimistic lock failures.


WEEK - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.criteria.LocalDateField
The ISO-8601 week number.
WEEK - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.criteria.LocalDateTimeField
The ISO-8601 week number.
when(C, Expression<? extends R>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder.SimpleCase
Add a when/then clause to the case expression.
when(C, R) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder.SimpleCase
Add a when/then clause to the case expression.
when(Expression<? extends C>, Expression<? extends R>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder.SimpleCase
Add a when/then clause to the case expression.
when(Expression<? extends C>, R) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder.SimpleCase
Add a when/then clause to the case expression.
when(Expression<Boolean>, Expression<? extends R>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder.Case
Add a when/then clause to the case expression.
when(Expression<Boolean>, R) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder.Case
Add a when/then clause to the case expression.
where(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.AbstractQuery
Modify the query to restrict the query results according to the specified boolean expression.
where(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaDelete
Modify the DELETE query to restrict the target of the deletion according to the specified boolean expression.
where(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery
Modify the query to restrict the query result according to the specified boolean expression.
where(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaUpdate
Modify the update query to restrict the target of the update according to the specified boolean expression.
where(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Subquery
Modify the subquery to restrict the result according to the specified boolean expression.
where(Predicate...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.AbstractQuery
Modify the query to restrict the query results according to the conjunction of the specified restriction predicates.
where(Predicate...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaDelete
Modify the DELETE query to restrict the target of the deletion according to the conjunction of the specified restriction predicates.
where(Predicate...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery
Modify the query to restrict the query result according to the conjunction of the specified restriction predicates.
where(Predicate...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaUpdate
Modify the update query to restrict the target of the update according to the conjunction of the specified restriction predicates.
where(Predicate...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Subquery
Modify the subquery to restrict the result according to the conjunction of the specified restriction predicates.
where(List<Predicate>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.AbstractQuery
Modify the query to restrict the query result according to the conjunction of the specified restriction predicates.
where(List<Predicate>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery
Modify the query to restrict the query result according to the conjunction of the specified restriction predicates.
where(List<Predicate>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Subquery
Modify the query to restrict the query result according to the conjunction of the specified restriction predicates.
WRITE - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.LockModeType


YEAR - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.criteria.LocalDateField
The calendar year.
YEAR - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.criteria.LocalDateTimeField
The calendar year.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y 
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